Friday, May 02, 2008

Renaissance faire, one more year!

So time for the Renaissance Faire it was again. Sketchpads ready and there we went. Nice weather (not too hot not too cold) drawable stuff in almost every corner... we couldn't ask for a lot more!


Jason Scheier said...

I love these sketches marcos.. you have a way of capturing life like a snapshot energy! thanks for posting..

Catalina Alvarez said...

Admiro muchisimo los trazos tan energicos pero a la vez tan dinamicos.
Aprendo mucho aqui!
Thanks for posting.

Pc man said...

Marcos eres todo un CRACK!!

Saludos amigo!!

Lovelace said...

As the saying goes- you rock. dude! Gorgeous crack-shot sketches.

Edouard Chevais-Deighton said...

The fact is that your drawings are really living. We can see the moove of each characters... Congrats Marcos, great drawings as usual ! ;)

Ernest Agulló said...

Deixa'm dir-te que no sé ben bé perquè aquests sketchos em fan venir gana....són exquisits i frescos!

SalBa Combé said...

Unos bocetos magníficos, Como siempre.
El tercer dibujo, el perfil, me parece una maravilla.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

fun and beautiful!

Timothy J Lamb said...

love the angles in all the strokes

A. Riabovitchev said...

These sketches are really amazing!:oD

Mauro Vargas said...

Marcos sus bocetos son insuperables, voy a mirar mucho los caballos que hace, ya que siempre cuestan!
Le paso un anuncio, esoy en zudacomics, con "Hannibal goes to Rome" y aparece el peor caballo dibujado! Ough!!

Matias Hyde said...

Wow, great, great them! It's an unusual thing to see digital sketches with such taste...
Cheers from Madrid!

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Jason. Funny you say 'snapshot' because it really feels like that on the field, concentrate on one particular frame that looks specially nyamy and and sweet talk the marker into put it on paper!

-Muchas gracias Cata!

-Un saludo Paco y gracias por el comentario

-Thanks a bunch Lovelace!

-Mercy Edouard. I do try to give a sense of movement to my sketches, maybe by trying to be aware of 'the frame before and the one after' sort of thing.

-Moltes gracies Ernest! m'agrada la teva manera culinaria de fer comentaris artistics! Una abraçada.

-Muchas gracias Salba por el comentario.

-Thanks Alina.

-Hey Tim, thanks for the visit!

-Thanks Andrei

-Hey Mauro, gracias por tu comentario! La ventaja del caballo es la elegancia que tienen en movimiento y el fondo historico de colaboracion con los humanos desde siempre. Ma parece un animal fascinante.
He mirado emn Zudacomics, interesante el giro de comedia sobre un personaje como Anibal!

-Gracias Matias, por cierto el color es digital pero no la linea que es rotulador.
Me encantan tus dibujos a lapiz por cierto.
Un saludo para Madrid.

The Wrist said...


Gracia said...

Hola! Tus sketches del natural son siempre taaaan chulos y tienen tantaaaa fuerzaaaa! me encantan!! besos!

Lubomir said...

Whoah, excellent studies!

Jörn said...

The knight with the red blanket is screaming. Looks easy and fast but detailed the same time. It's choice!

Mel Maduro said...

Sigh, I've always wanted to go to a Renaissance fair but there never seems to be one around my area. Amazing work nonetheless.

eugenia nobati said...

Me encantó tu estilo, un placer haber pasado por aqui

Marcos Mateu said...

- Thanks Thewrist

-Muchas gracias Stranded!
Besos de vuelta.

-Thanks Lubomir

-Thanks a lot Joern. There's something definitely rich in medieval design to the point that even if you only sketch it quick it still retains a very nice visual quality.

-Thanks Mel. Definitely worth the ticket.

-Muchas gracias Eugenia. Un saludo

Nelson Noel Luty said...

Is very genial your work
Tenes una lineas increibles es execelente tu trabajo.