When at Sony we spent many many lunchbreaks with Marcelo and the sketchclub guys drawing people, ...some were passers by, some were in line to order lunch, some were already seated and storing enough energies to face the rest of the day properly. Here are a few that fell into this last category.
The second image is a little fragment of one of the pieces I have in 'Moonshine'.
The live sketches are fantastic, force and spontaneity
Awesome sketches! I've heard a story or two about you at Sketch Club. hehe :X
Wow, those are great, we should do that here at work.
sweet! can't get enough of those sketches
looks great man!
Hola Marcos, els apunts són una delicia, com sempre. M'agrada fins i tot allò que selecciones per dibuixar que és tan o més important que el dibuix. No m'enrotllo més. Bona nit. Ernest
awesome sketches there.
Great studys Marco!
-Grazie Paolo!
-Thank you Kendra... any stories you can share? :))
-Thanks Rad, actually it's not a bad idea, we would need to find a 'lunch place' near the studio though. It would be great to do a session from time to time!
-Thanks Craig
-Thanks Justin
-Hola Ernest, i gracies per la visita i el comentari! salutacions a La Garriga
-Thaks Anthony
-Thanks Martin
you just sold that book to me. i was kinda holding out for whatever reason up until now.
Hi Marcos,
your works are always excellent, I love these your sketches, are great!
My best compliments and good work!!
as usual, so much life in those sketches ;) great job
Gorgeous lunchtime sketches! I really, really must visit one day. I'm planning to in the next two years...
And that black and white made me grin.
"...how many times have I told you that my horse doesn't LIKE POINTY OBJECTS?"
"Is it MY fault you wound up with a pacifist for a war charger?"
"Don't make me run you over."
-Thanks Ian! happy to hear that
-Thanks Laura
-Thanks Gabriele
-Shuku! always right on target! Love your comments as usual. We'll se you in L.A. then ...
Que buenos los sketches de la gente!! me encanta el del tipo de la camisa a cuadros!! cool!! ^_^
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