I just received your book "FRAMED INK" in the mail. Absolutely incredible. I cannot wait to read through the beautifully illustrated pages. Great work!! :D
Great work, as usual! I love the looseness of the sketches on the right. The drawings are barely there and completely there simultaneously, if you know what I mean.
Brilliant gestures and what you do with a calligraphy pen is awe-inspiring...in fact I busted out one this morning and did some life drawing with one...
-Thank you so much Kendra, always welcome your visits and comments
-Moltes gracies Fernando. No ho es... al manco de moment :)
-Thank you Craig
-Thanks Justin
-Thank you Tin, let me know what you think when you are done reading it. I hope you find the contents informative
-Thanks Anson, I see what you are saying :)
-Thank you Anima, I appreciate
-Muchas gracias a ti Teresa
-Thanks for the comment Azhar. The piece of the three under the arch is one hundred percent digital, line and color (using photoshop). The one of the 'gentleman' and the pirate is 'sharpie' on the line and digital again for the color.
-Thanks Lincoln!
-Thanks Xavier
-Gracia! muy amable. gracias por la visita y el comentario!
Soc en Rafa, ex-alumne de Palma. Com va tot? Enhorabona per "Frammer Ink" tenen molt bona pinta les il.lustracións que he pogut veure. En aquest moments estic realitzant un curs d´animació 2D al Ladat a la UIB molt interesant, he descobert el món de l´animació amb en Miguel Angel Coll, potser tu el coneixes també. Te escric perque estic interesat en adquirir algun exemplar del teu llibre. Saps si es fara una edició en castellà? Si no, a quín lloc d´internet em recomanaries demanar la edició anglesa?
Hola Rafa, com va tot? Mira, es llibre no crec que surti al manco de moment en castella. Ara mateix el pots conseguir a traves d'Amazon a un preu molt raonable (pots veure els links a Amazon de diferents paisos, aqui, al meu blog (just devall de la portada del llibre). Gracies, i ja me diras que t'ha parescut!
'...Madam, I assure you, this may look like a glowing fish hook but it is in fact the famed Dagger we've all been searching for.'
'My dear sir, I find myself singularly unimpressed with the object in question...perhaps my friend here will be able to ahh, verify your claim? This dank and musty palace does such terrible things to my dresses. The smell of the sewer never comes out.'
I love this characters sketches a lot!
I'm starting to feel redundant, everything you post is so beautiful and nicely composed.
With the two single figures I especially enjoy the varying types of line and directional marks used to show the differences in their clothing.
As always great work!
Bua, es primer és brutal, quina llum i ambientació! Es per un projecte personal??
great storytelling in that piece. Love it!
Looks Awesome man!
I just received your book "FRAMED INK" in the mail. Absolutely incredible. I cannot wait to read through the beautifully illustrated pages.
Great work!! :D
Great work, as usual! I love the looseness of the sketches on the right. The drawings are barely there and completely there simultaneously, if you know what I mean.
Marcos, I bought your new book last week. This is really fantastic and inspiring.
Maravilloso, como siempre. Y maravilloso también tu libro, ese tipo de herramientas son tan tan valiosas... gracias!!
Hi Mr marcos..
just found your blog..
a lot i can learn from you, sir.
just a bit question..
all your work done digitally?
what software did you used?
it is all custom ink brush..
love to ink digitally like using real brush effect.
thank you for your time.
Brilliant gestures and what you do with a calligraphy pen is awe-inspiring...in fact I busted out one this morning and did some life drawing with one...
Awesome character sketches.
Hola!! estos personajes espadachines son geniales!! me encanta tu estilo de trazo!! bss ^_^
-Thanks Andrei!
-Thank you so much Kendra, always welcome your visits and comments
-Moltes gracies Fernando. No ho es... al manco de moment :)
-Thank you Craig
-Thanks Justin
-Thank you Tin, let me know what you think when you are done reading it. I hope you find the contents informative
-Thanks Anson, I see what you are saying :)
-Thank you Anima, I appreciate
-Muchas gracias a ti Teresa
-Thanks for the comment Azhar. The piece of the three under the arch is one hundred percent digital, line and color (using photoshop). The one of the 'gentleman' and the pirate is 'sharpie' on the line and digital again for the color.
-Thanks Lincoln!
-Thanks Xavier
-Gracia! muy amable. gracias por la visita y el comentario!
Hola Marcos
Soc en Rafa, ex-alumne de Palma.
Com va tot? Enhorabona per "Frammer Ink" tenen molt bona pinta les il.lustracións que he pogut veure.
En aquest moments estic realitzant un curs d´animació 2D al Ladat a la UIB molt interesant, he descobert el món de l´animació amb en Miguel Angel Coll, potser tu el coneixes també.
Te escric perque estic interesat en adquirir algun exemplar del teu llibre. Saps si es fara una edició en castellà? Si no, a quín lloc d´internet em recomanaries demanar la edició anglesa?
Moltes graciés i una abraçada,
Hola Rafa, com va tot?
Mira, es llibre no crec que surti al manco de moment en castella. Ara mateix el pots conseguir a traves d'Amazon a un preu molt raonable (pots veure els links a Amazon de diferents paisos, aqui, al meu blog (just devall de la portada del llibre).
Gracies, i ja me diras que t'ha parescut!
Per cert, molts records al Miquel Angel
'...Madam, I assure you, this may look like a glowing fish hook but it is in fact the famed Dagger we've all been searching for.'
'My dear sir, I find myself singularly unimpressed with the object in question...perhaps my friend here will be able to ahh, verify your claim? This dank and musty palace does such terrible things to my dresses. The smell of the sewer never comes out.'
LOVE the book, and love the new banner design!
Thanks Shuku!
(some dialogue here :))
Just ordered Framed Ink! I can't weight for it to arrive!
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