Thursday, August 04, 2011

ComiCon aftermath, and sketch

Busy busy lately, but still here is a sketch I recently did, at least to keep the blog breathing!
ComiCon went great, both DSP and LAAFA booths busy and exciting.
I met Jim Steranko and Bill Sienkiewicz, couldn't ask for more after shaking hands that have produced such fantastic and inspirational artwork for so long!


paolo_gaspare said...

I tuoi schizzi sono sempre entusiasmanti, dei veri gioielli!


Greg said...

Great sketches!

Jesús Duce said...

Preciosas efigies, amigo Marcos.

Un abrazo

Javi Recio said...

que estilazo derrochas Marcos!!

Marcos Mateu said...

-Grazie Paolo

-Thanks Greg

-Muchas gracias Jesus, un abrazo

-Gracias Javi, y ve por la sombra estos dias con la que cae!

Stu Jennett said...

Lovely work fella :)

Brett Bean said...

It was great meeting you today Marcos, wonderful sketches at lunch! Keep up the inspiring and beautiful work and good luck with the upcoming addition.

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Stu

-Thanks Brett and great meeting you too. And thanks for your wishes! :)

Juampa said...

La fuerza y el estilo de estas fuguras son increíbles. Como siempre grande, Marcos.

Juampa said...

La fuerza de la línea no tiene parangón. Preciosas fuguras, llenas de dinamismo y de vida. Fipante Marcos, como siempre!

SalBa Combé said...

Unos bocetos alucinantes. Hay que ver que envidia más mala me das...

Anonymous said...

que bons!

Gracia said...

Cool sketches!! como molan!! :)

Gracia said...

Wow! tu si que eres rápido!! gracias por la visita y el comment :D

Anonymous said...

So a master meets two other masters!!
Glad it's all going so well. Great sketches as usual .

Tyler Stott said...

WOW!!!! genial!

Imma Fita Payes - Cocinitas said...


N.Karna said...

I like very much your work.

José Fernández said...

Hola Marcos, visitar de vegadas el teu blog és enriquir els meus ulls, gràcies i una abraçada

Jim Mehsling said...

Can't believe I missed you a SDCC this year. Your book Framed Ink is such an amazing resource. Great, great work.

Marcos Mateu said...

Thank you guys for your visit and comment!

Marcelo Vignali said...

I wanted to stay till Saturday, for the only reason to see you in your element! Congrats.

Cameron Thompson said...

Darn I missed you at the con. I really dig your marker renderings!

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Marcelo!

-Thanks Cameron!

José Fernández said...

Ja m'arribat el teu llibre, una pasada, esta molt be, enhorabona.

Marcos Mateu said...

Gracies Jose. Com va tot?
Vaig mirar de trobar el ten email per saludar.te pero no l'he trobat enlloc!
Esper que tot vagi be per Palma.

José Fernández said...

Hola Marcos, molt bo el llibre, aixó es com fer un master. Enhorabona.
El meu e-mail es fent feina amb en Mateu Morro, be una aferrada ben forta
