Monday, September 25, 2006

Bon dia

So I decided to create my own blog, that's the spirit!
Anyway, in it I'll be mainly posting yet another improvised comic book story (this time my own thing), but keeping it also open to other drawings, photos or crazy ideas.
Au ido.


Mark McDonnell said...

CONGRATS MAN, on the blog.

And thanks again for humoring me as I came out to visit Marcelo.

And congrats on SURF'S UP!!! The colors are incredible. Impressive start . . .I hope it does what Open Season has done.

Great things man,


Marcos Mateu said...

HI Mark, thanks for the feedback!

* ShirKa _. said...

Oh! Quina il.lusió! Has posat el títol del teu primer post en català!!!
^^ una abraçada, que te l´has guanyat