SO THAT'S IT! The movie is finally out there! ...and with it also the trailer for "Surf's up". Both looking reeeally cool!!
I would put a link to the trailer in this post, but my limitations when it comes to computer skills are such that I'll simply say that Marcelo and Armand did a great job at it, and that whenever you visit their blogs just 'click on it' and... ENJOY!
Amigo Marcos, podias poner traducción simultanea en el blog, así te entenderiamos al otro lado del charco.
Hi Marcos, congratulation for this new awesome blog. Your pictures look really great! I've just taken a look on your website, fantastic stuff as I expected..I didn't know you worked on Toto' Sapore, your background design is lovely.
Keep up!
Dionisio, esto de la comunidad global es a veces complicado.
Igual que tu me dices, tambien he recibido algun comentario en el sentido de que en 'El Pacifico' a la gente de habla inglesa le resulta a veces imposible seguir los intercambios de opinion en castellano o catalan.
De todos modos tu idea es por supuesto interesante y tomo nota de ella.
Un saludo!
Alessandra, thanks a lot for your visit and comment to my blog. I've seen yours and the stuff there is just too cute!
By the way, did you work in 'Toto'?
Abundo en lo de Dionisio Platel: me encantan los dibujos, pero me siento una analfabeta, como cuando de pequeña sólo podía "ver" los tebeos de mis hermanos...
Un beso.
Venga pues, por demanda popular incluire una traduccion al castellano de los textos del comic.
De otros textos de opinion que suba al blog no respondo porque igual suelto alguna parrafada de estas que me quedo tan a gusto y me da pereza hacer el doblete (aunque puede que tambien).
Saludos y me paso por tu blog en un momento.
thank you for your nice comment about my blog marcos, i really appreciate! :)
i haven't worked on toto' at that time, but i'm from Turin and i've been living very near to Lanterna Magica, i know the director and some of my closest friends worked on that film. also, in Italy is not usual to have animated features in production anymore, so it had been a pretty 'big event' in my city, you know ;)
by the way, i'm really enjoying what are you creating with the online comic -i've already linked you on my blog- i'll come back soon to see how it goes,
take care!
See ya then, and regards to Torino and averyone at Lanterna if you see them.
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