Wednesday, November 29, 2006

E -Some more "life drawing".

A couple more 'life' drawings today.
I started these sessions with pencil long ago, but moved on to thick marker later.
I love charcoal pencil but what bothers me of it is its "iregularity", meaning that I would need to be sharpening it constantly to get the exact same graphic quality I want throughout the whole drawing. And I'm not that patient. Plus, I press so hard on the paper that I tend to brake either the pencil or the paper too often.

Dos dibujos mas, a lapiz y a rotulador.
Comentaba que me pase al rotulador hace tiempo porque me parece mas regular y practico.
Un saludo.


Jacobo said...

Son dibujos muy directos, tanto que no dan margen a ningún error. Tuve una época en Bellas Artes en la que hacia bocetos rápidos y si había algun error era tirar el papel y comenzar uno de nuevo.
Creo sospechar que tú no has tenido que tirar ni comenzar ninguno de estos, son muy buenos!!. Además me gustaría saber cuanto tiempo puedes aguantar mirando una hoja nueva, toda limpita, sin querer llenarla de líneas y manchas. Por el trazo pienso que eres bastante nervio así que creo que tienes el cerebro directamente conectado al papel ( si no tuvieras manos mojarías el brazo en tinta y te saldría el mismo dibujo!). Qué bueno!

Antonio Santamaria said...

Quin traç... quina força... els dos son molt bons però la dona... buf!!! amb aquesta manera d'aplicar les ombres!!! Aquests dibuixos s'han de quedar així, vull dir, en el moment en el que es volguès pasar a net perdrien tota la força!!!! Bè, en un 99% dels casos, ja que en el 1% que seria fet per tu, segur que fins i tot podríen guanyar!!!
Una altra lliçò, Mestre...

C.Deboda said...

These are great! Lots of 'life' and energy to them. Really liking the previous post(s) as well.

Shuku said...

Ooooh more lovely drawings!

MARKERS. It's all back to markers isn't it? They're really wonderful to work with. And as Cdeboda says, YES.Life and energy, PLENTY of it.

...Also, this is just a side observation, but is this the same life-drawing session that Marcelo posted during the dryer fire? I recognize the pose --or at least if they were a different session they certainly look similar.

Shuku said...

Oh also: I am laughing at you mentioning you're not that patient.

Especially when I look at the lovely, LOVELY work you do on El Diablo...and El Pacifico...and...and...


Marcos Mateu said...

-Gracias Jacobo, tienes razon y supongo que nos pasa a unos cuantos...que lo de la hoja en blanco lo llevamos mal.

-Antoni, es allo que diuen que menys es mes!

-Thanks Chris!

-Shuku, what an eye! I just checked back on Marcelo's blog and you are right.
I was also amazed that of all the hundreds and hundreds of life drwings we've done, we both ended up picking this one to put in our blogs (it's not only about liking the pose, but mainly about the results we came up with that particular day!)

Eulalia said...

Me gusta muchísimo el de la chica, tiene una pegada visual impactante.
Un beso.

Alfred Llupia said...

Ja hi som altre vegada!quin traç,quina força i que macos!!torno a mirar el teu blog!


awesome sketches marcos!

Marcos Mateu said...

-Gracias Eulalia,
me gusta dibujar rapido y encima el tiempo que tenemos para estos dibujos no es mucho, lo que haya que poner tiene que estar alli ya.

-Moltres gracies Alfred, els teus comentaris sempre apreciats!

-Thanks Roland!

Hans said...

Hey Marcos,

Great looking life drawings! Very nice and confident lines. Love the paintings below as well!!!! Amazing work and the colors are so crisp and delicious, especially in the mountain piece. I love to study stuff like this, there's so much to pull from it:)
Thanks for sharing.

Take care and have a great weekend:)


Carlos Ruano said...

Par hacerlos en rotulador y que quede así hace falta tener la seguridad que tu tienes. yo rallaria tanto el papel que lo agujerearía.
Buen fin de semana Marcos

Marcos Mateu said...

Thanks Hans, gracias Carlos!
Buen weekend and a good fin de semana to you guys!

Jeremy Spears said...

Dang! Amazing dude!

Uli Meyer said...

Hey Marcos,
Fabulous work as always! What are you up to these days?

Matthew Cruickshank said...

Life drawings are stupendously great!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, I like both. The graphic style of the girl is very interesting to me.
I don't really understand her left breast area.

Marcos Mateu said...

Thank you guys.

Doron, that's because I didn't draw a woman's figure but the effect of the light on her.

Marcos Mateu said...

Uli! how's things?
I see your blog is up and running again. Good!
I'm in L.A. now, been back here for a while actually doing vis dev for feature animation.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sketches! I especially like the graphical approach in the one of the woman.