Friday, November 17, 2006

A -In the meantime... (mientras tanto...)

Hi everybody,
first of all, this is not part of an evil plan to create some extra tension in the story, but as I was mentioning the other day in one of my 'comments', I'll have to slow down a bit in the comic book process for time reasons.
I'll keep posting the pages up as often as I can, but in the meantime I'll post other (older) stuff as well to keep this thing up and running (-'we are going to the commercials now'- type thing).

This is from a 'life drawing' session in the Studio. These are great and we (the 'wild bunch') attend them as often as we can.
By the way, Karl Gnass is in charge of them and he also has some really interesting sessions at the Animation Guild from time to time, where the models work on their facial and body expressions, interaction between them, etc.
Lots of fun!

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antes que nada, esto no es parte de ningun plan malvado para hacer la historia mas interesante, si no que realmente la cuestion tiempo esta un poco cruda ultimamente (no busqueis la palabra 'raw' en la version inglesa, que no la encontrareis) y mientras publico paginas del comic a un ritmo algo mas lento, voy a ir intercalando cosas mas antiguas a la par que ineditas (dibujos del natural y cosas asi) para que no decaiga la marcha...


Shuku said...


She is -lovely-, Marcos, whenever I can't think about shapes and shadow, I'll go look at her. Were you using the chisel point markers you were mentioning to me?


Ernest Agulló said...

A mí em sembla perfecte, aquets dibuixos al natural són més suficients per disfrutar del teu talent.

A. Riabovitchev said...

Marcos,This one is really B E A U T I F U L!:O)

Marcos Mateu said...

-Chisel point markers it was, and a great model! (If I remember their names I'll post them up too).
Apparently this one had been trained as a classical ballerina for a while, I actually guessed that before she mentionned it.

-Gracies Ernest, anire fent una sel.leccio d'aquest dibuixos i altres coses per intercalar.

-Thanks a lot Andrei, I see in your blog you are also having to slow down for a bit!

Tirso Cons said...

Que fuerza tiene! Casi vibra!
Muy chulos Marcos.

Un saludo


Anonymous said...

That is absolutely amazing. And let me also say that I've had the pleasure of visiting your web site a while ago, and I was absolutely blown away by the artwork! I'm going to visit this blog a lot :)))

Gug's blog

Marcos Mateu said...

Muchas gracias Tirso!
Thanks Doron !

Dionisio Platel said...

Bravo, tío... Bravo.