Thursday, March 22, 2007


-"Señorita, espero que no se moleste si le digo que es Usted un peligro publico...!"
-"Menos mal que le dejamos bien claro que mantuviera la operacion en estricto secreto"
-"Y por cierto, de donde carajo ha salido Usted?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-"Nos esta señalando a nosotros?!"
-"Ire poniendo el coche en marcha"

1 comment:

Shuku said...

Miss Trouble the Public danger...

Marcos the three top panels are absolutely -beautiful-, I started laughing the minute I loaded it up and I haven't stopped since! Those shadows and lines. So, so SO very effective, and the completely black panels too!

Is she pointing at us indeed --well yeah, I would! They're public menaces too!
