Sunday, April 15, 2007

Renaissance Faire

Boy that was fun, the Renaissance faire at Irwindale (right at the Santa Fe Dam recreation area) was packed with people from all sorts of reanactment type associations and a definitely dedicated audience.
Medieval Tournaments, all sorts of medieval and renaissance commerces and shops, people in character with their beautiful period costumes...
I have to say everybody was really nice and willing to give all sorts of information about the period they were representing and everything else you were curious about.
I nearly finished a whole sketchpad there, of which you can see three samples in the next three posts.


Shuku said...

Oh what a -lovely- weekend that sounds like! I remember attending the one in VA a couple years ago; even dressed up for it. The drawings are absolutely lovely! So full of character and atmosphere --really brings back just how fun and energetic it must have been, as Ren Faires so often are.

Can we see the horses? :)


Marcos Mateu said...

Thanks Shuku, I can already imagine you in full period costume in one of these events!
Horsees?, I might post one up soon...

Oscar Grillo said...

Salute, Marcos...estamos teniendo unos inusitados y bellos dias de sol por aqui. Se reclama tu presencia. Un abrazo...

Los dibujos aqui colgados, de cagarse, como de costumbre. Viva la revolucion!!!

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

Sounds nice!! And the Don Tartaglia is really something!!
By the way, thank you for your lllovely message on my blog ;)
Don't worry, I'm resting up today and enjoying an entire day purely 'existing' on the couch....hehehehe.

donnachada said...

Nice blog and beautiful artwork.

A said...

dibujos geniales!


saludos Marcos! these are great sketches, Brilliant work!

Craig Harris said...

You never cease to amaze. These drawings are beautiful. When I look at your drawings I can actually get a feel and a vision of the actual person who was in front of you. All the shapes and personality are just dead on. I hope I get there someday. Please keep it comin.


Alessandra Sorrentino said...

mmm... what happened to your website, marcos?

Marcos Mateu said...

-Oscar! como siempre, se agradecen tu visita y comentario!.

-Ale, thanks for your comment and, ...congratulations on your break!

-Thanks Donnachada

-Gracias Altamira!

-Thanks Roland, nice to have you around!

-Craig, with comments like this you can sure drop by any time! Thank you.

-What happened to my website Ale? (is there a problem...?)

Cåttberry said...

wow the new stuff is amazing!

Alessandra Sorrentino said... know what? i have no idea! :)
yesterday the main page said that the website was no longer available but actually today it works. technology is weird....

Marcelo Vignali said...

Marcos, these are beautiful. I didn't know the Ren-faire was going on right now. I would have loved to have gone, however if I took my kids I don't think I would have been drawing.

Alfred Llupia said...

Fantastics sketches Marcos!apreciant aquest traç i taques altre vegada.Salut.

Noelle said...

Hey, Marcos. These are cool. I remember some others (knight, fencer, ...) that were pretty awesome too. It's sound like Marcello might go next time.

Marcos Mateu said...

-Gracias Alma!
Por cierto, esto de Melontown? (parlau catala alla tambe?)

-Ale, mistery solved. There was a problem with the server. Fixed now!

-Marcelo, next time you are in!

-Moltes gracies Alfred!

-Thank you very much Noelle. The faire really was an sketcher's dream!

Ernest Agulló said...

Quina exquisitesa la teva!, realment aquets esbosos transmeten l'elegància decimonònica.
gràcies un cop més per compartir el teu art.
Avui ha estat un día veritablement calurós a La Garriga, no hi ha res més molest que la suor primaveral...

Marcos Mateu said...

Moltes gracies Ernest!
Sa veritat es que posats a triar personalment me quedo amb la calor, jo es que el fret... encara que reconec que cualsevol exces pot esser molt pesat.

Antonio Santamaria said...

Marcos, disculpa que no m'hagi pasat per aquí des de fa uns quants dies... i veig que tu continues al teu imparable i fantàstic ritme, regalant-nos aquestes lliçons de bones maneres de fer... Com deia algú abans, la elegància del traç en aquests sketches i la força del traç com de costum són genials... Estic desitjant veure aquest nous treballs de cavalls... Una abraçada!

Marco Bucci said...

Those sketches are awesome! Fluid and bold shapes. Really great colour touch too. What's that, marker?

Jacobo said...

Vaya dibujazos!!! vaya trazos, vaya rapidez, vaya encaje, vaya temazos para dibujar, increible toda esa frescura.Gracias por compartirlos.

Wendy Pan said...

Pero profe, dónde estás ahora ?!!
No habías vuelto a Mallorca?
Estás en EEUU otra vez o es por trabajo?
Tus dibus como siempre fantásticos!!!

Wendy Pan said...

Ay, perdón!
soy Susana, empecé contigo en la Escuela de Arte y me fuí con vosotros cuando pusisteis la academia (por los años 80?!!), luego te abandoné por el Conservatorio, pero tú te fuiste pa London.
Quedamos un día cuando volviste a Mallorca...

Marcos Mateu said...

-Antoni, res home, ja estic content cada vegada que passes per aqui! Gracies i salutacions!

-Marco, thanks a lot. It is marker, best drawing tool I ever used as I feel right now.

-Jacobo, muchas gracias por el comentario!

-Wendy, que eres Susana ! 'de Leon', que eres 'de Burgos' (...o es al reves? porque siempre me confundo) como estas?
Yo volvi a Los Angeles hace unos dos años donde estoy trabajando para un estudio. Estas aun en el coro?
saludos trasatlanticos.

Anonymous said...

Marcos beautiful work, what type of pen are you using on these character sketches? Or do you just use a tablet on the computer? It looks beautiful, very inspiring.

Marcos Mateu said...

Thanks Taylor! It's a black marker, I find it much easier to control than say a brush, with which I used to work before... matter of taste I guess!