Thursday, August 16, 2007

"Lines and people..."

...The two main ingredients for sketchclub drawing.
Here are the results of another session, some time ago now.


Cookedart said...


I really like the one on the right.

Alexiev said...

Good hand...

Best regards...
Alexiev Store

Unknown said...

Voy a insistir, me gustan muchísimo las lineas de tinta de tus dibujos.

Anonymous said...

Nice! That face in profile is just great, such confident linework, awesome!

Anonymous said...

As usual, your drawings are insanely inspiring. No one puts the flair on the figures like you do. And as usual we will be waiting patiently for the next post. :)

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Alan, thanks Alexiev.

-Gracias Guillermo, que tal 'el escultor' estos dias?

-Thanks Andy for the comment

-Craig, just seen your last post. Great painting!
and thanks for the visit and comment

Boris Andreev said...

Marcos, how are you doing?
I just love your lines!

Shuku said...

Marcos! Oh those are -lovely-, lovely lovely...

That lady in profile looks so ... motherly. The sort that would make a wonderful favourite aunt-type. I love the way the lines sort of randomly define her hair - quirky, confident, just the sort of woman to wear lime-green with bright orange flowers and not care a jot.

As for the long-haired girl, well, I can only say that she was trying to give you the perfect view of her lovely long hair and her interestingly patterned top! The marker lines are really wonderful, so -casual- but so evocative.

I've not been posting lately but I've been busy (and sick!) I'll have something up soon, I promise - I had an Adventure in the kitchen that probably needs recording...

Competition coming up...

Edouard Chevais-Deighton said...

Really like the woman sitting on a chair in a café.

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

Nice lines as usual, Marcos!

Mark McDonnell said...

Love em' Marcos. Great character in your shapes. You have such a nice way of using you line. There is an amazing sense of graphic design engranded in your work, love it.


Unknown said...

beautiful drawings, love the expressive lines!

Imma Fita Payes - Cocinitas said...

hola hola hola ,, tot be ??

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Boris!

-Shuku! good to have you around, and thanks again for your really intuitive comments!

-Thanks Edouard

-Ale, thanks for the visit!

-Thanks mark, I appreciate your words.

-Thanks Alina!

-Tot molt be Hebe, gracies, petons de tornada!

gantry said...

Este blog sigue y seguirá siendo un regalo para la vista.
Te gastas un estilazo y un gusto a la hora de afrontar tus dibus que le dejan a uno con una envidia en el cuerpo que no sé yo si calificarla de muy sana.
En serio: pedazo de trabajos.
Mil gracias por compartirlos.
Y, ahora, una invitación: la de que te animes y participes en el foro de artistas ARTBOXFORUM, en el cual, lo ya numerosísimos miembros se sentirían (nos sentiríamos) más que honrados con la presencia de un artista de tu talla. Para que te hagas una idea, por si no conoces este foro, te diré que en él muestran sus trabajos, sus referencias y sus comentarios sobre cómic, ilustración y demás, gente de la talla de Roger Ibáñez, Jose Luis Munuera, Manuel Arenas, el gran Olijosman... por citar tan sólo unos muy escuetos nombres.
Anímate y entra.
Hazlo por nosotros!

Marcos Mateu said...

Gantry, muchas gracias por tu comentario!
He entrado en Artbox y me he apuntado como miembro, de modo que ahora todo sera entrar y participar.
Te hago saber de todas formas que soy un negado para la informatica, de modo que incluso algo tan sencillo como esto igual tardo un poco en pillarlo.

Un saludo.

gantry said...

Bienvenido, amigo!
Gran alegría, de verdad!
(En el Bloc de Gantry te dejo un comentario más extenso)

the doodlers said...

Great lines. The hair has real weight.


A. Riabovitchev said...

GReat sketches!:o)

Philip Dimitriadis said...

Very Nice. Love the way you use you line control in your sketches.... very expressive. Well done!!

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Doodlers! always appreciate your visits and comments!

-Andrei, you are back! thanks for your kind comment.

-Thanks Philip, from one concept guy to another.

Dave Dick said...

Beautiful sketches, Marcos :)

Marcos Mateu said...

Thanks Dave

Unknown said...

La chica que esta de espaldas es un pasote! Enhorabuena Marcos!