Friday, April 18, 2008

Sketchclub times

This is an old sketch from the days I was regularly out there with the 'Sketchclub guys'.
This young lady was holding a menu in her hand while looking at the specials for the day.
It's great to know that we still get together from time to time to put marker on paper again.


Srta. M said...

a veces creo que las cosas mas sencillas y mas simples son las mejores, este boceto me demuestra que esto se cumple, es precioso y muy comunicativo

JDCanales said...

Hola Marcos
Una vez más demuestras que tienes el secreto de la síntesis. Ese que sólo poseéis los grandísimos dibujantes...
Un saludo!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by. Your work is simply wonderful. I have issues with finding the most compelling lines and compositions and you make it all look so easy. Feel free to come by again, and thanks.

libra bear said...

Great sketch. Really love the pose and the arch in the back. Beautiful drawings on this blog.

Shuku said...

I never ever get tired of seeing the lines in your drawings. This is just almost a silhouette, no excessive detail - but contains so much.

She looks like she might have just come out of a meeting, or was going to one. Cool, collected, like Mary Tyler Moore in a skirt. :)

Or maybe, just maybe, she's the next Miss Trouble.


Fernando García-Sotoca said...

bones marcos, com sempre, increible linea.
T'escric desde Barcelona que estic visitant la fira del comic y he tengut la gran satisfacció de comprarme la revista nº 66 de creepy a la que surt un comic teu, on ja es veu que el teu talent no ve de fa poc.
Es la primera vegada que me pas i esta molt be, amb clases magistrals de milo manara i moebius entre d'altres i aconseguir un autograf de n'ibañez.
records i salutacions

Pc man said...


Unknown said...

Great sketch! I've been wishing I could join a local sketch club lately.

Lovelace said...

You got that thing- saying the most with the least. very rare & just plain gorgeous.

Eric said...

You have such a masterful shorthand man... Something I want to practice doing! Great work!!

Jason Scheier said...

Your sketches are very inspirational Marcos, thanks for sharing this.

Philip Pignotti said...

I love all your work,

robi pena said...

Que tal Marcos? Muy bonitos tus nuevos trabajos!! Bonita linea de trazo, me gusta muchisimo!! Un abrazo!

abeoh! said...

oh wow! great update! :D i love your sketches!

Francis Vallejo said...

man I've been out of the loop, these updates are awesome!!!!! That illo of the 2 girls at the bottom is real nice.

Mauro Vargas said...

una sintesis perfecta, siempre calidad. Espero mas!


Anonymous said...

Cool! It's always great to see your people sketches Marcos, awesome stuff!

Ernest Agulló said...

Al Saló del Còmic vaig veure una il.lustració digital (impresa) teva, i a més de disfrutar veient-la, en van venir algunes reflexions al voltant del gran problema estètic que planteja l'art digital: l'absència de l' original o matriu. Aprofito per saludar-te desde La Garriga, dia assolejat, per cert....

Jörn said...

Yes, this is cool. Relaxed mood while sketching?

robi pena said...

Gracias Marcos :-) hasta pronto!!

EL GRANDE said...

Wow Marcos,
I haven't been here in a hot minute. You've added so much. I really love the sequential pages below. I feel exactly to opposite about the marker on paper comment personally. All my work is traditional, and I really feel like I need to get into the computer more. Funny isn't it?:)

Joe y Elio



Hrishikesh said...

amazing color application & nice drawings

Marcos Mateu said...

-Muchas gracias Srta. M

-Hola Juan, muchas gracias por tu comentario. He visto lo de vuestro proyecto en tu blog, muy interesante!

-Thanks Eli.
Congrats and good luck in the competition!

-Thanks a lot for your visit and comment Libra!

-The next Miss Trouble ... maybe! Thanks Shuku.

-Hola Fernando. Pareix que la fira de Barcelona ha estat un exit tambe aquest any.
Ara me recordes lo del 'Creepy'! allo va ser durant els 80 crec... Estic content de que to pasassis be alla, no m'extranya, es una fira molt maca.

-Gracias Paco!

-Thanks Eric. It really is fun!

-Thanks Lovelace, it really was a quick drawing, people in these circumstances don't pose fro too long!

-Thanks a lot Eric!

-Thanks for the comment Jason!

-Thanks Philip

-Un abrazo para ti Robi, y muchas gracias por tu comentario!

-Thanks Abe!

-Thanks a lot Francis! for what you say I can really tell you had been away for a while!

-Muchas gracias Mauro, tendras mas si no hay novedad!

-Thanks Andy!

-Ernest! moltes gracies per la teva visita i comentari. A mi me passa el mateix, lo unic que no m'acaba de convençe de l'art digital es la manca d'un original... pero que li hem de fer...

-Thanks Joern, It is indeed a good moment to relax and enjoy the ride!

-Thanks Joe and Elio, it really is a matter of taste, I know other guys that feel as you guys do too.

-Sure thing Albert, and thanks for your visit and comment!

-Thanks a lot Hrishikesh, thanks for the visit!

George Cwirko-Godycki said...

great drawing

Chris Bivins said...

i love the sketches Marcos. the zebras are my favorite. i hope to do some zoo sketches soon as well. really amazing stuff.


the doodlers said...

Great impromptu style!

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

Great stuff Marcos! These sketches are full of life.
I LOVE the zebra in the other post! ;)

Take care!

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks George

-Thanks Chris. The zebras were a good sport I can tell. There's always something really convincing about these animals.

-Thanks a lot for the visit and comment Kristian!

-Doodlers! always happy to have a visit from you. Thank you.

-Thanks Ale. I see the zebra is quite popular around here!

Jamal O said...

Attractive simplification.

I like how many of the lines are implied.


Kirk Shinmoto said...

sweet sweet drawings!

David de la Mano said...

que bueno¡¡¡
Comunicativo y potente
Un saludo

Marcos Mateu said...

Thank you guys!