Monday, January 26, 2009

'The Prince of Egypt' and 'Asterix'

I don't recall ever posting up, neither on my blog nor on my website, any POE work. Not that I have many copies left, but here is one of them. A pencil sketch for the chariot race sequence at the beginning of the movie introducing the two brothers together.
As I didn't use any computer technique back then the color effect was achieved by playing around with the original on the color copy machine. (© Dreamworks)

The Asterix design was for the bad guy's lair, which never made it to the screen.(© M6 - AFilm)


Laure Olivesi said...

The dynamism of the chariot sketch is absolutely fantastic... the horse's posture are great. I am happy to watch this work. :)

Mo Sweat said...

Dos grandes imágenes Marcos.
La primera está llena de fuerza y dinamismo y la segunda me evoca un poco el estilo oscuro y genial de Tim Sale.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful horses Marcos!! So happy you are posting again regularly...keep em comin!!!

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

Hola Marcos!!
Wow that racing sketch is really something, you can feel the speed and the weight.
And the second picture is very Marcos' :D Love it!
Great work as always my friend, hope you're well!
Ciao and un abbraccio!

Jamal O said...

Always great mood and atmosphere.

Lovelace said...

Stunning work!

Jason Scheier said...

amazing marcos!

Carol López said...

Gracies per la teva visita.
Una abraçada :)

Carmen Martínez Torrón said...

Me encantan las fotos, un besito desde La Coruña!! :*

Fernando García-Sotoca said...

Quina força que te el dibuix de la carrera de cavalls, per cert, vaig veure la pel·licula fa un parell de mesos que ja no m'en recordava. Una pregunta, mai utilitzes llapis blau? sempre ho fas tot directament amb llapis?

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Kaya.

-Gracias Mo. Un saludo

-Hey Craig! I'll try!

-Thanks Ale! Btw, I just saw the trailer of your movie recently, it looks -very- interesting.

-Thanks Jamal

-Thanks Lovelace

-Thanks Jason. I believe you did a 'show and tell' at Otis recently? Cool.

-Gracies a tu Carol.

-Muchas gracias Carmen, estoy contento de haber descubierto tu blog!

-No hi ha llapiç blau Fernando, si sa cosa no surt betiro es paper i torn a començar... Salutacions i sort per Barcelona!

Wendy Pan said...

Mencanta el Principe de Egipto, la tengo en VHS, pero la tengo jurjur

Woowwww, una super imagen de la fantástica carrera de cuadrigas, fantastic!!

Tirso Cons said...

Están de la hostia estas dos imagenes! destilan la fuerza habital de tus dibujos.
Los contrastes de la segunda, el dinamismo de la primera...

Menuda pasada, maestro!

un abrazo!


Yashar said...

Gorgeous stuff, man. Great pencils.