Happy New year everybody.
And here are some more Viking environments that come with it. The longship in the middle of a storm belongs to a storyboard piece for the intro of the film, while the mean looking guy on the top deck is purely inspirational, as I was trying to get into the subject.
The layout belongs to the typical scene of a grand dinner with the men of the Village as they decide what evil deed to do next.
Hoowee! This year is off to a great start already! Happy New Year!
These look gorgeous, Marcos!
It was pleasure meeting you the other day!
¡Fantásticos dibujos, amigo Marcos!
La imagen del drakar con el mar tempestuoso es realmente impresionante.
great way to start the new year. Sweet post!
thAnk you stopping by, theses pieces are intense and have a great mood to them!!!!
Great stuff Marcos! What about some of the Prince of Egypt material?? are you planning to post some of those?That would be so cool!I saw some of then on the book,but you must have loads of lay outs right?Best wishes and a great new year!
Preciosos dibujos.
El del drakar vikingo me ha dejado con la boca abierta.
Gracias por tu visita a mi blog.
Un saludo.
Your works looks very good, Marcos!
-Thanks and happy New Year to you too Edwin!
-Thank you Sean, likewise!
-Muchas gracias Jd. El original es relativamente pequeño. Se trataba de darle fuerza a la introduccion de la pelicula y una presencia temible a los vikingos ya que de eso iba la historia
-Thanks Craig
-Thanks for your visit and comment Gato
-Douglas, as far as POE is concerned (one of my favorite films in my career) I barely have anything left besides some color photocopies back in Europe. I obviously have more material from films I worked at freelancing from my own studio, where I would keep a record of things.
Thanks for your visit!
-Muchas gracias Angux
-Thanks Dejan
Incredible pieces again, Marcos. happy new year and hope to see you soon.
Muchas gracias por pasarte por mi blog,Marcos.
Tu trabajo es brillante,posees un estilo especialmente bello.Te felicito por tu talento.
Me pasaré por aquí siempre que actualices.
Saludos y feliz año!!.
You're amazing. I don't know of a single artist that does what you do so effectively. The mood, lighting, drama and composition!
Hmm, I think there's magic in that Mallorcan water.
All the best for this new year by Toutatis !
Happy New Year Marcos!
Great Viking posts! So cool to see all this art from the film. I've always been an Asterix fan and loved the old films too. Maybe they should make a high budget Lucky Luke next:D
Wish you all the best in '09;)
p.s. are you still at DW?
very cool comps. The sense of space in the lower one is incredibly strong.
-Thanks Armand. Same here.
-Muchas gracias a ti Lutgardo.
-Hey Marcelo! The one thing I always hope will be in the Mallorcan water in summer is me! :)
-Same to you Edouard!
-Well Hans, here you had an interesting thought. One never knows!
-Thank you very much Marco.
WOW!! These are BEAUTIFUL!!
Gracias Marcos por tu comentario del otro día, que además viniendo de un ti vale doble porque llevo siguiéndote algún tiempo y admiro mucho tu trabajo (de hecho he tomado algunas de tus técnicas en mi trabajo de storyboarder para publicidad).
-Thanks Alina!
-Muchas gracias Miguel por tu visita y comentario. Me sigo pasando por tu blog.
Amazing work Marcos! i saw the others pictures too, i love them! What are you working on now? New project?
PS: thanks for you comment on my blog, i'm very touched.
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