Monday, May 03, 2010

And the chat goes on... + Vikings in the storm

Somehow Miss Trouble got herself into an SUV with two secret service agents, and being demanded to do a lot of explaining.
The storyboard was an idea for the opening of 'Axterix and the Vikings'. The longship caught in the middle of a terrible storm, appearing and disappearing behind the huge waves, all of it spiced up with a lot of blinding lightning.


Manoj a menon said...

dear marcos,

the viking bit is too good..
i can really see the progression. cool colour keys.
i had got in touch with paul lasaine and simon otto recently..
i should say im getting more and more friends inspiring me from dream works.

keep inspiring.
can i drop a mail with an occassional doubt pls..?


A. Riabovitchev said...

Great stuff as usual Marcos!

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

Wow, the vikings board is sooooo cool Marcos!

DJ Zutkovic said...

Dang! Beautiful storyboards!!

Lubomir said...

Woooow, man, those Asterix boards are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Great atmosphere on the storyboard, it's very nice.

Jason Scheier said...

very nice marcos!

carlos muñoz said...

kina pasada marcos mencanta les composicions de paginas ke treus..!!
kin estilazo! si señor!

George Cwirko-Godycki said...

i love this story! it's so classic how there is a cliffhanger which is instantly resolved in the first panel of the next page!

Unknown said...

L'storyboard a color em sembla una passada, més aviat ho hauriem de considerar un conceptboard (no sé si s'utilitza aquesta paraula) . Sigui com sigui és la pauta a seguir per tota una producció. Jo si fos el director de la pael.licula em quedaria ben tranquil amb aquets visuals...
Portem ja una setmana de fred i pluja aqui a la Garriga, el temps és boig....

Marcelo Vignali said...

Those storyboards are great...just great! I love seeing that side of your work.

Fernando García-Sotoca said...

Gràcies per pasar-te pes meu blog. La veritat esque pintant del natural es impresionant com te canvia la visió de la iluminació i color i lo be que t'ho pases. Enguany ha estat molt productiu i a mem si puc trobar feina d'aqui poc. De moment encara me queda un any més!

Ara just vinc des Saló des comic, d'unes conferencies molt interesants: Munuera, Toledano i Robledo, dema en Moebius... molt be tot, i amb un parei de dibuixos meus penjats a s'stan de la llotja (allà on estudii)

I res, dirte que aquells esbossos d'es tio amb bigote me va agradar molt, en es final no se va publicar? També esta molt be veure es plantetjament de s'inici de n'Asterix.

Marcos Mateu said...

-Hi Manoj, and thanks for your visit.
Just go ahead and drop a line sometime, 'talk soon.

-Thanks Andrei!

-Grazie Alessandra, good to have your comments around!

-Thanks Djordje

-Thanks Lubomir, it was a fun piece to do as I loved to work the continuity besides light and composition!

-Thanks Amanieu

-Thanks Jason!

-Moltes gracies per el comentari Carlos!

-Thanks George! similar in a way to the Asterix case, working the narrative continuity of a story is a big source of fun for me. I'm glad you like it.

-Ernest! gracies per la visita i el comentari. Certament vaig intentar combinar cuanta mes informacio posible a n'aquests dibuixos. La veritat es que ara no recordo si al final varen obrir la pel.licula amb aquesta secuencia o no, pero al manco la feina la vaig disfrutar!

-Thank you Marcelo, good to have your comments!

-Hola Fernando, ja estic content de tenir noticies teves i de veure que tot te va be per Barcelona. Posaras algunas fotografies del Salo al teu blog?
(lo d'es tipo amb bigot no ho vaig arribar a fer, pero encara me queden uns cuans anys! :) Ja veurem.

abhishek singh said...

nice line there, "worked in the customer's department....close enough" love the way the gestures amplify those dialogues, love the second panel,
i love the mood you bring in ur work , story board is an apt example:)

Dustin d'Arnault said...

wow thanks man! I am really digging those color keys sir, as well as the rest of your work. What graphic novels have you worked on? Keep in touch!


Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Abhishek! I was really having lots of fun with this character :)

-Thanks Dustin, I did a lot of graphic novel in the 80's, then I left Spain in 91 and started working in feature animation, so that stopped for a while but I hope to get to it soon again (I have an illustrated book coming up soon and another idea for a story... trying not to waste my time here! :))