Sunday, March 29, 2015

Live Drawing Sessions

Quite a bit of material today, all of it from live drawing sessions in the Sony days. We were lucky to have this wonderful opportunity to learn and have fun with a great group of friends!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

4 Years

Here is a personal piece I did back in March 2011, I really did enjoy this one. I couldn't help at the time but thinking of Tom Adam's work, I was always so impressed with his mysterious and cryptic cover art for so many of Agatha Christie's novels.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Xyza Cruz Bacani, Photographer

I just discovered this filipina photographer who nine years ago left her country to work as domestic service in Hong Kong. One day she bought a camera with borrowed money. This is the result.


Talking about movies with a heart! I just saw a screening of HOME, our latest film at Dreamworks (I didn't work on it unfortunately). I loved it! and so did by the way my three year old daughter who at the end insisted so much on the fact that she wanted to see it again, she even let the usher know about it (since he was wearing a uniform she possibly figured he might be able to do something about it! :)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

By The Sea

Image of a guy looking at the ocean, a drawing I did time ago, sharpie and fine point Pilot markers on paper. I hope everyone is having a happy weekend.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Renaissance Warriors

Another action (pre-action actually) piece. Whatever happened next... It was just a fun to do exercise, isn't it great when you just can go at it without having to think about the previous or the posterior shot and draw for the moment?

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Ye Ole Pirates' Days

Well, it's certainly been a while! …so hectic lately. Here are a few sketches I did for a graphic novel style story i did in collaboration with my friends and phenomenal talents Marcelo Vignali and Armand Serrano. That was a long time ago now, when the three of us used to work at Sony Animation together. I hope everyone is fine and enjoying the weekend!