Sunday, March 29, 2015

Live Drawing Sessions

Quite a bit of material today, all of it from live drawing sessions in the Sony days. We were lucky to have this wonderful opportunity to learn and have fun with a great group of friends!


Tryskele said...

Very nice and expressive drawings Marcos! Greetings! Miquel

Paul Dolan said...

Beautiful work, thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

i would be interested on taking art classes from you,you are awesome

Mark Tompkins said...

awesome Marcos, thanks for sharing!

Marcos Mateu said...

-Gracies Miquel!

-Thanks Paul

-Thanks Kai, I used to teach regularly in Spain, here in the US I only give lectures from time to time, as time allows!

-Thanks Mark!

Unknown said...

i live in spain ^^, i know one of your students from here, he is called Marcos Raya Delgado

Raul Avila said...

No se si llego mi mensaje, si me permites utilizare estos bocetos tuyos para que mis alumnos de animacion vean la irrita cía del ritmo en la figura, no es solo un dibujo sino una actitud que nos permite imaginarnos l próximo movimiento


Marcos Mateu said...

-Kai, of course I remember Marcos Raya, it was great working with him.

-Raul, no me llego ningun mensaje tuyo. Por supuesto que puedes usar estos dibujos para lo que me hablas, un saludo.