Sunday, October 29, 2006

21- "Things of 'live broadcasting'"

Looking back on page .20. I decided a more extreme close up on the character for the first frame would make a better cut.
So here it is.

Anyway, here's also 21.

-"el hall es luuuuggubre"
-"Lugubre? cuanto mide!"

-"Hummm...como unos tres por cuatro metros...palmo arriba palmo abajo"
-"Hablando sola?"

. . . .

-"Y bien? va a entrar?"

-"Quien es?"
-"No lo se..."
-"No lo sabe?"


Shuku said...

The first thing - ok rather, first THINGS - that came to mind when I read this panel was:

1) Laugh so hard everyone at work thought I was insane and

2) Think, "You don't know? What do you MEAN you don't know?" "But if you were a psychic you'd be able to tell me right?"

I love it. Absolutely love it. And I think it works very well, the subdued colours and then the sudden facial highlight at the bottom - almost like a creepy tarot-reading red-light-aplenty parlour effect.

(By the way, these comic updates you post are one of the few threads of sanity I use to get me through the day. Thank you ever so for the gift of such lovely art.)

What's neeeext, she asked with biiiiiig eyes and bated breath.


Marcos Mateu said...

Shuku, thanks very much for the comment!

As far as the "you don't know" thing is concerned, she is actually answering the agency guy on the radio-com thing (the 'ear piece' as Chris Tucker would refer to as in Rush Hour), but the guy inside the 'red room' takes it she is answering 'his' question.

Again, I'm really glad you enjoy this!

Armand Serrano said...

Awesome as always my friend. Keep feedin' us with these amazing pages...layout, mood, character poses, all set the bar up.

kcirbuk said...

Impresionante tio!!!


Paco K.

Frasier Olivier said...

hello Marcos
really splendid work in your Blog.

* ShirKa _. said...

molt xulo, si senyor!!

Marcos Mateu said...

Thanks for the visit!

Ernest Agulló said...

Marcos, es una pasada rebre comentaris en català desde california, i més d'un monstre com tú.
jo encara diria més...; aquesta última pàgina és una "cucada".

Marcos Mateu said...

Gracies Ernest ! (igualment encantat de rebre comentaris en catala!)

Paul, veo que tienes unos personajes y ambientacion interesantes...para cuando el proyecto?

Carlos Ruano said...

Con tu explicación a Suku lo he entendido mejor, porque yo tampoco acababa de cogerlo. Como siempre, disfrutando de tus composiciones y tu trazo.

Marcos Mateu said...

Gracias Carlos !
En cuanto a tu comentario y el de Shuku te dire que unos lo han pillado y otros no, de todas formas este tipo de 'feedback' me interesa mucho. He modificado un poco los bocadillos para que la cosa quedara mas clara.
Un saludo.