Thursday, January 25, 2007


-Here are two more drawings from the sessions with Karl over at the Animation Guild building.
The "colorless" one is rather abstract, but if you guys can figure out what's going on there...well, that'll be quite remarkable.

-Otros dos dibujos de las sesiones con Karl en el edificio del sindicato de animadores.
El de blanco y negro reconozco que es mas bien tirando a abstracto, conseguis ver lo que hay alli ya os podeis dar por satisfechos (yo aun lo sigo intentando...)


Anonymous said...

Great ! I just love the woman ! :)

Anonymous said...

Both drawings are amazing. The abstract is very intriguing to me, it stands exactly on the border between abstract and concrete. Keep 'em coming...

Shuku said...

After a totally unsuccessful drawing day in the garden, looking at these really cheered me up. The abstract is -wonderful-, all those lines and shadows I've been trying so hard to get for the past 2+ months! Umm, as to what's going on in there - She's just asked the time in a flirty sort of way and he's showing her what time it is? Pretty little Spanish or Mexican senorita, and some film noir detective - my first thought was it might be Carmen Sandiego but that's no lady. :)

And the girl! LOVE the scribble highlights and shadow!


Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Edouard.

-I agree on the "on the edge" thing. I take it it's an interesting way to look at things unless you are forced to be more explicit in a drawing that's meant to be part of a story for example.

-Hi Shuku, I'd say your drawings are getting much better actually, as you keep exploring the options ahead.
About the anecdote in the my sketch...interesting usual!

Toni Reyna said...

Como va todo?
Me quedo con el primero , que aun siendo tan abstracto mantiene todos tus trazos ,tan caracteristicos.El otro aunque sea menos atrevido esta genial.

Jacobo said...

Por qué eres tan bueno????? Tengo una asignatura pendiente con el cuerpo femenino, no es que esté negado pero el esfuerzo suele ser mucho mayor y los resultados no llegan a lo que desearía. ¿Has dicho sindicato??? esta bien eso de poder reunirse de esa manera, como profesionales que somos, mientras, en este país nos seguimos comiendo los mocos en este sentido...

Marcos Mateu said...

-Gracias Tony, de momento bien. Que tal tu por Londres?

-Gracias Jacobo.
En cuanto a lo del sindicato, hay una asociacion en Madrid a la cual pertenezco y que me fue de mucha ayuda cuando estaba trabajando en España. Se llama APIM (Asociacion Profesional de Ilustradores de Madrid). Echale un vistazo a su web si tienes un momento, vale la pena.
Un saludo.

Anonymous said...

Wow I love em Marcos!

Laura Braga said...

Hi Marcos!!
Great sketches and I think the woman is very sexy!!!!
My best compliments for your blog!!


Anonymous said...

Woman is fantastic!!so, compliments!
and thanks to visit my blog!
Good work man!

Shelly Wan said...

The gesture of the girl sitting profile is quite remarkable! the lines and shapes have so much movement to them, feels very lively. :) just great.

Oscar Grillo said...

Salute, Marcos!

Marcos Mateu said...

Thanks for your visit and comments everyone!
Good to 'see' you around

Anonymous said...

Quina sort disposar de model per exercitar la retina...en l'abstracta s'ha imposat el gest sobre el referent, l'emoció sobre el virtuosisme...i paro perquè si no em lio, salutacions

Antonio Santamaria said...

Pues el abstracte te molta força... però és que el perfil sobre paper de color és preciós. ´
Molt bons, com de costum, traçant amb seguretat!!!

A. Riabovitchev said...

Beautiful sketches Marcos!:o)

Marcos Mateu said...

-Gracies Ernest i Antoni, i salutacions!

-Thanks Andrei!

Anonymous said...

These are so gorgeous Marcos. Really confident lines. I'm really digging the use of positive and negative spaces. Just really strong in general. And thank you for your kind words my friend. They mean a lot!

Anonymous said...

Is this "Karl" as in Karl Gnass? Very nice drawings btw. I miss going to these kinds of sessions on a regular basis.

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks a bunch Martin!

-Thanks Chris. Yeah, it is Karl Gnass. Great drawing sessions and good conversations with him too!

Anonymous said...

They are truly powerful, Marcos.I loved them both. For he second one, did you use a software to add in the light lines around her and in the mirror behind her? What a great effect!

Anonymous said...

Buenísimo! Eres un gran artista y tu blog es de lo mejor que he visto en mucho tiempo. Además simpatizo mucho con la humildad que mostrais los grandes.
Un saludo.

Anonymous said...

Como siempre..

Saludos tio!!

Paco K.

Marcos Mateu said...

-Hi Fanta (Daniella).
Yep, digital Bg.
I visited your oriental-subtle looking blog. You got interesting work there. I see leaving a comment there is a bit of a process though.
Another cool thing is the soundtrack you have, can you say what it is?
Thanks for your visit!

-Juampa, comentario positivo donde los haya, me lo leere cada vez que me sienta mal.
Un saludo!

-Paco! que te cuentas! ya me voy pasando por tu blog siempre con ganas de ver mas.

Anonymous said...

Marcos! Love your stuff. There's much to explore here so we've added you to our links list and we'll visit again.


Arna and John

Anonymous said...

Ciao Marcos!
Both drawings look really really nice. the way the black one can tell a story even in its simplicity and immediacy it's fantastic. and i love the colours and the layout in the other one.

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Doodlers, cool blog you got yourselves. Interesting how you manage to get the best out of pretty much anything, from snails waiting for the train to plain broken glass.

-Ale! thanks for the visit and comment.


awesome sketches!

Marco Bucci said...

Nice work! There's no shortage of feeling here, that's for sure.

Marcos Mateu said...

Thanx guys.

Anonymous said...

Great drawings, esp the one on the right.

Anonymous said...

Uf!Ya llego tarde... han dicho muchos de los adjetivos que iba a escribir, pero te los resumo: impresionantes!!!, el que (según tú) es abstracto, y el perfil.... Me encantan los dos, no pones lineas de más, cada línea intenta explicar algo, me gusta esa capacidad de síntesis. Sí señor..

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Dominic

-David, no pasa nada con lo de "llegar tarde", como no estamos en la estacion de Sans... gracias por los comentarios y un saludo!

Alfred Llupia said...

Quin traç,be a admirar altre vegada!salutacions!

Mattias Adolfsson said...

Great stuff, lovely sketches and comics