Thursday, March 29, 2007

By the way

Here is the Sketchclub drawing I did last week. For technical reasons I just can't post it up at its propper blog right now, so here it comes.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ah waddaheck!

Enough 'comic book nostalgia' type thing for now!
Here is an oil painting I did ten days ago. Out we went: Noelle, Tang, Christian, Katrin (did I spell everyone right?) and myself to the beach with our oil painting tools.
I know it's not what you guys have in mind for a beach, but I swear the water thing with sand and all that was right behind me.
I just didn't happen to have a proper wide landscape canvas on me, and the way things were I didn't feel like painting the beach in this more regular format. So, here is a building.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hasta la vista

I will have to think now of what to do with this blog as it was originally created with the sole purpose of the publication of this improvised comic book adventure.
There will be the follow up story at some point, although this might take a while.

It's been lots and lots -and lots- of fun, and a unique oportunity for me to develop something completely personal as I had'nt been able to do in many years now... and why not, also a little frustrating whenever I realized that my availabilty to the project was not enough to guarantee the continuity and momentum this kind of story required (things of 'life broadcasting'!).

In the meantime, thank you all for being such great sports and for your interaction and comments all along, and here comes a little something 'Miss-you-know-what' asked me to put together for all of you!


Tendre que pensar ahora sobre el futuro de este blog ya que lo cree con el solo proposito de publicar esta historieta improvisada. Habra segunda aventura, aunque esto no sera cosa de dos dias.

Me lo he pasado demasiado bien con esto y ha sido una ocasion fantastica de hacer un trabajo total y absolutamente personal por primera vez en mucho tiempo. Tambien ha sido un poquito frustrante a veces cuando he visto que el tiempo que tenia disponible para ello no me bastaba para publicar con la continuidad que una historia asi requiere. Cosas del directo.

Mientras tanto, muchas gracias a todos por el interes y los comentarios, y aqui viene una sencilla despedida que "Miss-ya-sabeis-que" me ha pedido que publicara para todos vosotros.

And 38.

. . .

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Last page on Monday!

La ultima pagina este lunes!

-"Si es un 'Jack in the box' (como se dice esto es castellano? es este juguete que consiste en una cabeza, generalmente de payaso, que salta con un muelle al abrir la caja que lo contiene...) te mato con mis propias manos."
"Has venido para que te lo devuelva?"

-"En absoluto"

-"Realmente te lo has ganado... Lo abriste ya?"

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Alright so, according to planned, Monday I'll be posting the last two.
See you guys soon.

-"De modo que por lo que veo consiguio conservarla..."

-"Le dire una cosa, 'Hombre - Misterio...'"


-"Señorita, espero que no se moleste si le digo que es Usted un peligro publico...!"
-"Menos mal que le dejamos bien claro que mantuviera la operacion en estricto secreto"
-"Y por cierto, de donde carajo ha salido Usted?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-"Nos esta señalando a nosotros?!"
-"Ire poniendo el coche en marcha"

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Coming to an end.

So, progress is looking good!
Looks like -to play it safe- either next Wednesday or Thursday I'll be able to post up pages 35 and 36, and next weekend at some point (Monday the latest) 37 and 38, and we'll be done!

La cosa va bien! Parece que para mediados de semana podre poner las paginas 35 /36 y ya para algun momento del fin de semana que viene (lunes como tarde) las dos ultimas 37 y 38.
Un saludo!

Monday, March 12, 2007

New Post

As I'm working on the last pages of "Miss Trouble and other people's adventures - up and down the Hollywood nights" (and this would be the short title) hopefully to be posted up in a reasonably close date from now, here come some more life drawing pieces.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

More life drawing

A couple of 'year old' pieces for Wednesday morning.