Saturday, May 12, 2007

Gangster types!

-More website stuff! detail and all included, like in the serious places...

-Otro de la web! No da tiempo a mas estos dias... aunque esta pieza sigue siendo una de mis favoritas.
Un saludo!


Emilio Aurelio said...

me encanta el dinamismo de la inferior

Unknown said...

Buenas poses, silueta y composición. Muy buen trabajo :D

Shuku said...

I wouldn't want to mess with these guys! I really like the shapes and movement that the extra lines suggest. It' the whole picture is made up of very geometric Picasso-shapes, and that somehow gives it a lot more -force-?

It's gorgeous. Love that bright yellow shirt!


singinghawk said...

Beautiful! Love the texture and simple, geometric shapes...lovely!

Carlos Ruano said...

Muy chulas las poses, y la composición, crea una linea de accion muy dinámica.
Espero no encontrarmelos nunca por la calle...

Anonymous said...

Sme of my favourite character pieces that you have done .Love the style and graphic apprach - great impact!

the doodlers said...

Love the distressed look of the finish.

C.Deboda said...

I'm really into this graphic look you got going here. Very cool.

Chensio said...

woaa, bruuutall! :O

jejej, al final he caigut a les mans de blogspot! :P

te posare a links si no t importa!

Vagi beeee!, un saludo desde mallorca!

-carlos asencio

Dominic Bugatto said...

Damn , that looks great.

Emilio Aurelio said...

a tu disposición el blog dedicado a trinca

Marcos Mateu said...

-Gracias Anguloagudus

-Gracias por la visita Pedro

-Thanks a bunch Shuku, it definitely does have a slight linear-cubist touch to it

-Thanks Ana. I tried a different approach and was quite happy with the results. It still is a special piece to me

-Carlos, ya les dire que mas les vale no andarse con juegos contigo, tambien les contare lo del cinturon negro etc...!

-Sim! thanks for the visit. (lunch by the way?)

-Thanks Doodlers! good to see you around!

-Thanks Chris, I might try to explore this a bit more

-Carles! posa, posa link. Ja has anat a sa platja aquest any? ja fa calor per alla?

-Thanks a bunch Dominic

-Visto el blog! mucha nostalgia de la buena ahi. Parece ir a capitulo unico... lo vas a continuar?

Chensio said...


ara te posare!

si si!, vaja si fa calor! li va costar entrar a l estiu..pero ja esta aqui!


me encantan ,me parecen originales y frescos ,son geniales sin mas

Ernest Agulló said...

Estimat Marcos, veritablement no tinc gaire temps per l'oci cibernètic...només m'ha faltat que em donguèssis feina amb el documental que m'has passat. Té molt bona pinta, me'l revisaré en calma axí que tingui temps. Quina gran pel.licula la de Blade Runner....absolutament profètica. Salutacions.

Guillaume Bonamy said...

Superbe Marcos!
always a pleasure to see your works and your fabulous way to compose a picture.
Great lesson of design.


Unknown said...

Awesome style!! COOLIO!! Love the texture!

Douglas Ferreira said...

Great Stuff Marcos!The oil painting from some posts ago is great too!!Have you got some watercolours?I am curious!Best Wishes!

Unknown said...

astounding~! topnotch art! fantastic!

Doron Meir said...

Totally great, I LOVE the style.

Emilio Aurelio said...

Sorprendente la acogida del blog de Trinca. Todos destacan los buenos recuerdos que les trae la revista. No sé por que, pero fue algo especial.

Kei Acedera said...

Really nice style! Its so gritty I love it..and your technique is superb.

Unknown said...

Que bueno, tambien son de mis favoritas..y es que estaba cansado de ver tanto gangsta parecido¡ les has dado un toque muy fresco¡

A. Riabovitchev said...

SERIOUS STUFF!!!!!I like Gansters.:o)

Tirso Cons said...

Mola por que parece pintado en una pared, y le da un toque más fresco aún. Muy urbano. Más allá del trazo angulosos y roto.

Son cojonudas, Marcos!


Marcos Mateu said...

-Carles, au ido! a sa platja s'ha dit!

-Muchas gracias Javier.

-Ernest, si estas tan liat ja son bones noticies.
Fins ara.

-Thanks Guillaume, glad to hear from you again! and I'm glad to see you have your own blog up and running so we can come in and visit!

-Thanks a lot Alina.

-Thanks Douglas, no water colors though!
I used them a lot years ago but now, if I have to mess up my sweater I'll go for the oils. Never know though...

-Thanks a lot Mars!

-Thank you very much Doron!

-Angulo! no es cada dia que se ve a los mejores dibujantes de un pais publicar trabajos como aquellos en la misma revista al mismo tiempo, y por un periodo solido de unos dos tres años. Mas en un tiempo donde el comic era aun una cosa solo para un publico mas infantil.

-Thanks a lot Kei!

-Qstom, se intenta hacer algo un poco diferente cada dia. Gracias!

-Andrei! thanks and good to hear from you!

-Muchas gracias Tirso. Veo que tus comics van viento en popa!
Un saludo

Jeremy Spears said...

Marcos! The book looks fantastic! It was cool seeing all your hardwork throughout! One of the best art of books I've seen in a while. Looking forward to the film!

Seguí said...

Hola, Marcos...
Se t'acumulen els posts!
Enredat en algun projecte macro dels teus?
Vinga, que ja tenc "mono"!
Una aferrada!

A. Riabovitchev said...

I often visit yours blog

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

I like these guys :) You've got a great style, Marcos. So simple and effective!

Hans said...

Hey Marcos,

Congrats! "Surf's Up" was amazing. The look of it alone would've been enough to make me happy, but the story and animation was top work too. Loved everything about it:D.

By the way, I didn't know you did work on "Asterix and the Vikings". I can't wait to see it. I use to work at A-Film in Denmark.

Well, have a great weekend,


* ShirKa _. said...

Estan impressionants! O_O
i a mi em sembla fantàstic que ens mostris coses que tens a la web, així ho podem veure i dir-te com ens agrada el teu treball!!! ^^
petonets dsd bcn

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Jeremy! it is indeed a great looking book! I'm glad you enjoyed it

-Tomeu, com va la vida. Ja veig lo teu de tan en cuant. M'agrada molt!
Ja avisaras cuan se publiqui!

-Andrei, I know. It's a pleasure to check up on your updates too regularly!

-Thanks Ale

-Hans!!! how's things?
I'm glad you liked the film. it really is nice indeed.

I did design the whole viking world for that film... you are right, being danish I should have guessed you would have worked for them too!
Great experience by the way, nice and professional people at A-Film.

-Moltes gracies Laura.
Me conten que l'estiu ja dona de ple a n'el Mediterrani per cert, per aqui es com una primevera calenteta de moment. Esperem veure estiu de ple algun dia!

Kisel.B said...


Eva Vázquez said...

Joer chaval estan geniales estos
que bonitos
Un saludo