Sunday, July 15, 2007


Nice sunny Sunday morning today here in Southern California.
Anyway, the guy sitting at the table is a few months old, (...the drawing, is). The young lady is a design for an old project of mine that I hope I'll get together some day.
I hope you are all doing fine!


Jared Shear said...

Great the lady! I'm afraid she would dash me to pieces if she were to gaze upon me with those long lashes.

Anonymous said...

Awesome sketches! Your linework never ceases to amaze, fantastic stuff!

Carlos Ruano said...

Bonitos y frescos dibujos para acompañar mi te con limón de esta mañana.

A. Riabovitchev said...

Great sketches Marcos!Very you.:OD

Shuku said...

Marcos! Bounce bounce bounce, sketches! (Yes I'm that excited to see them.)

The lady looks like the classy 1940s dame who packs a revolver as well as a silver cigarette holder, wears lovely tailored suits and red lipstick and black eyeliner. She's gorgeous.

And the sitting gentleman with the mug of coffee - now -that's- relaxed for you! I really like it!

AWOL but coming back, coming back!

Sam Nielson said...

That profile sketch is really great!

Marcos Mateu said...

-Jared, thanks for your visit and comment!
(you are right, I'll ask her not to blink too fast! :)

-Thanks ver much Andy

-Carlos, ya te veo al fresco en la terraza!

-Thank you very much Andrei

-Shuku, start writing full stories and post them up! I like them a lot, very atmospherical indeed!
(did you ever think of doing that?)

Unknown said...

beautiful, love the elegant quality in the lady drawing and the loose expressive line on the right.

Unknown said...

Muy buenos sketches, pero los del post de "Custom Sketchclub" son maravillosos!

Claudio Acciari said...

Ciao Marcos,which compliment should I use for your work?I'm sure you received all already.I can see more stuff of your production now than when we could see each other,funny.Hope you are more than well.I just finish a collaboration for a collective book with Soleil.There are 10 pages of my stuff and the false cover that you saw on my blog.Enough to say that I get publish ah ah.Now I start a entire personal project.But I write details on your e-mail.Ciao

Oriol said...

Ei!! Moltes gracies!! m´he plantejat el mateix... al ver el cuadro el otro día... lo miré y le hice esa foto.. y la verdad que si.. lo doy por terminado,olvidé de quitar lo de unfinished!
Muchas gracias, genial recivir un comment tuyo en ese tono, eres un máquina.

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Alina, nice having your comment here!

-Gracias Pedro.

-Thanks for the feedback Claudio.
You are right by the way, things are so much more within reach now through the net then they were ten tears ago.

-Gracies per la visita Oriol, estic d'acord amb tu, fer-li mes feina podria ser contraproduent i tot!

Julkillo said...

Muy buenos bocetos(como siempre),frescos y sueltos,aparentemente sencillos,hechos con pasmosa facilidad,te voy a cortar las manossssss(todo esto desde el buen rollo¿eh? :)

craig said...

wow..beautiful line work. great loose quality

Unknown said...

Tremenda tinta, y tremendo blog.

Todd Oman said...

wow great illustrations marcos!

Wally Gomez said...

Grillo tenía razón!
Te felicito por tu hermosos trabajo!

Mauro Vargas said...

Uno hasta se imagina la expresión del tipo ese desayunando. Cómo con trazos tan sueltos se puede ser tan...climático!

Marcos Mateu said...

-Gracias Julikillo! (ves que me lo he tomado bien eh?)

-Thanks Craig.

-Gracias Guilldermo. Muy impresionao por tu blog por cierto.

-Thanks for the visit and comment Todd

-Muchas Gracias Wally, y gracias a Oscar tambien por la referencia!

-Gracias Mauro!

Anonymous said...

amazing lines!...looks so easy and talented... and thanks for your kind comment... mean a lot to me

Ernest Agulló said...

hEl perfil de la noia és preciós, aixi com la brillantor del seu cabell. salutacions

Marcos Mateu said...

-"Mistery person" whoever you are, thanks for your comment.

-Moltes gracies Ernest! Esper que tot vagi be per Barna.

Jelter said...

nice sketches, you have some great stuff on here!

Heidi Smith said...

Wonderful sketches, the line quality is beautiful and loose!

Marcos Mateu said...

Thanks Jelter and Heidi!

BEN said...

lovelovelove this sketches!
always fantastic!!!