I was particularly interested in achieving a mysterious atmosphere on this one.
I quite liked the two characters since the beginning and had fun with the study of their hands.
Once the illustration was 'finished' I played a bit with the color saturation and contrast (wonders of the digital age!) until I got the desired effect.
Love the "in the shadow" effect!!! Great composition and colors :)
'Oh, so it's you,' he said disdainfully, dismissing the other with a gesture. But the girl in scarlet merely smiled her Mona Lisa smile and gestured, and in the shadows another form moved, the faint glint of horns giving her away.
'Why Damian. How good to see you.'
Such a purring voice; it made the hair on the back of his neck shiver. Even more so when the girl in scarlet rippled her fingers and a small, glowing orb floated out to hover between them.
Time bomb.
(BEAUTIFUL atmosphere, beautiful shadows and mysteriousness! I wonder if this is Miss Trouble's sister; she certainly could be one of those two women! LOVE IT!)
Packing to go home!
Asombroso trabajo como siempre Marcos!!
Que fuerza tiene esta ilustración!
The desired effect was achieved ...
Love the cinematic lighting .
Very cool as always Marcos .
Great atmosphere and mood Marcos!! Is this related in any way to the illustration of the girl with the blimp? Super fun man!!!
wow! great color and lighting. looks like it was done in painter, right? good costumes too.
Could you please draw something that we could criticize instead of allways telling you how much it is great and wonderfull ?!!! ;)
Which is again the case here ! :)
-Thanks Federico! the challenge was too see how much I cold push the darkness in the shadow while still seeing enough detail to tell 'the story'
-Shuku! you and your stories always amaze me! Somehow every line you write has a deep sense of entertainment in it, can't stop reading!
-Muchas gracias Juampa por la visita y el comentario!
-Thanks a bunch Sim. Btw I know I said that already but your last post was amazing.
-Hey Craig. Well it ain't related!
Just that they are both characters one couldn't possibly trust much! (just in case)
-Thanks Peter. I did have fun with the costumes in fact, as far as the technique yes, it is painter. The illustration was done around the same time as the one in the previous post, and that was definitely 'painter time' for me
-Mercy very much Edouard!
Before I even read the commentary, first glance was "what great mystery going on with this one".
Definitely got the mysterious part nailed. Great lighting.
woow that character on the left is scarily cool! :D
Increíble il.lustració! Els efectes de llum i d'ombres són impressionants, i la gama de colors i la composició...!!
Hola Marcos, me encanta, realmente bonito el juego de luces y sombras y de esto hace 4 años... no quiero ni pensar en lo que harás ahora
-Thanks for your comment John, I see a lot of mystery and tradition in your art as well.
-Thanks Chris, always good to have you around.
-Ale! scary she is, to me the one in red feels like she's got character but ultimately is only a puppet of the one in white...
-Moltes gracies Christian, encantat de la teva visita i comentari.
-Muchas gracias Miguel!
very evocative still.
I am thoroughly enjoying the fine details in the background and the clothing.
as usual your work is amazing, but your "things" post is insane. such life with so few strokes and so many vibrant colours and shapes. i could be here for a while.
Fantastic light effect.. the characters are very intriguing, it has the feel of a couple of very adventurous pair. Bravo!
Extremely dramatic and always love your colors, my friend. Where were you when Star Wars needed you?... Amazing!
but marcos, that is what makes your painting well balanced and dramatic! if she were scarier it definitely wouldn't be the same and the girl in shadow would have lost some of her magnetic appeal.
the way you create it is absolutely perfect. maybe you built a story behind your illustration without noticing it ;)
love it.
nice quality of light
great color
mysterious mood
thanks for stopping by
my blog to say hello.
HEY! It's Marcos! Nice Work! Should i bug you here instead of your office???
-Thanks Jamal!
-Thanks Andrew. Actually the two pieces from 'things' were originally thought out to be in black and white, them I added some color for the blog. What I'm saying though is that one thing I like about the marker is that its apparent limitation makes you deliver only what's the essence of the scene, and that to me makes it specially alive and vibrant.
-Thanks a bunch Eric!
I've seen your last cinematic shots in your blog. Cool stuff man.
-Hey Armand! well, maybe there's something a bit star-warish about this painting, could even be Star Wars meets Agatha Christie!
Good having you around as usual.
-Ale, you got something good there about the contrast creating tension... well thought! Hope you guys are doing well in Torino
-Hey Brian, thanks for the comment... your blog rocks by the way!
-Sam! here or at the office! doesn't matter, always good seeing you in your usual good spirit!
Moltes gràcies!!
La peli quasi ni la van promocionar... saps que passa.. a mi a la prestrena em va agradar bastant més que al cine, tot i els talls.
La sorpressa va ser no veurem als crèdits. Llavors la peli t´agrada menys, es normal. Per adult o realista que siguis.
Al cine vem tenir, TANTS problemes per veurela, que va acavar no compensan, pero vaja, de segur em compreo el DVD, perqué regalarmel ja et dic ara que no me´l regalaranXDDD
Salutacions i de nou gràcies. Es un honor:)
joer... de mayor kiero pintar asi de bien..
Excelentes dibujos señor Mateu!
Excelente Marcos!! ... esxcelente, si señor!!
As always nice job man! I really love the color scheme in this piece. Amazing stuff
Marcos me fet un altre correu, mikelmoya.89@gmail.com. Prova de enviarmo en aquest amem si funciona.
Qué dibujado, madre!!
Me encanta. La luz es chulísima.
un abrazo, Marcos
Iluminación y ambientación perfectas, y el color a la primera.La zona oscura deja paso a la imaginación de todo el mundo que hay detrás del dibujo. Como portada sería muy muy buena.
Que bueno!! mola un monton!! la figura alta de detras me encanta!! es brillante!! las manos con las uñas pintadas y las poses estan geniales! :)
Wonderfully executed my friend. Those hands are simply amazing.
-Oriol, encantat de la teva visita. Apart de lo dels credits (es mal de creure) es una llastima tambe lo de la falta de promocio de la pelicula que de segur es molt interessant... en fin, la veurem sensa falta.
-Muchas gracias Miguel.
-Robi, encantado de tu visita. Me paso por tu blog periodicamente... me gusta lo que creas!
-Thanks a lot Chris, such a cool watercolor by the way in your last post.
-Enviat esta Miquel.
-Tirso! gracias por tu visita y comentario!
-Muchas gracias Jacobo!
-Gracia, encantado de tu visita
-Thanks a lot Marcelo, knowing your eye I have to say I do appreciate your comment!
me gusta particularmente la atmosfera de esta ilustracion...la luz! o la no luz!
*clap clap*
Such a luscious image!jasperkiki
Nice job.
Gracias por tu comentario. Me paso habitualmente por aquí a ver novedades.
Un abrazo
This great. Wonderful job.
Nice marks dude. I really like the application of your details.
Joe and Elio
Pues yo me quedo con la parte en sombras, el relieve de la pared y el color, muy buenos!
-Muchas gracias Srta M.!
-Thanks Doodlers, good having you around!
-Thanks daniel
-Muchas gracias Fernando!
-Thanks a bunch Jeremy! thanks for the visit.
-Joe, Elio, thanks for your comment!
-Gracias por el comentario y la visita Guillermo
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