Thursday, March 06, 2008

Posting quick...

... because it's nearly 9:00 p.m. and I gotta get out.
So, guys in armour, horse taking a break, and two people not knowing what to do with a gun (thank God)


Rustam F. Hasanov said...

Love that horse. So loose and simple yet the proportion is just right.

Per H said...

I love the flow and energy in all of your drawings!

George Cwirko-Godycki said...

you make it look too easy!

Moro Rogers said...

That horse is really sweet. (As is the rest of it.^^)

Fernando García-Sotoca said...

molt bo aquest post i s'anterior, m'agraden molt. Aquesta linea tan espontanea i controlada al mateix temps es impresionant.
Jo nose quan podre pujar coses que estic molt enfeinat ara...

Saskia said...

ah...aaaaah, i love the sketch with Bonnie and clyde ;_; (i´m sorry if they are not b&c XDD), even with a few lines you´ve created a whole scenery + amazing anathomy. And thank you so much for commenting on my blog *dances*

C.Deboda said...

Love the sketches as always, Marcos. Nicely done.

Edouard Chevais-Deighton said...

I love... all the three drawings ! :)

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Baklazhan

-Thanks Per.

-George, thanks. I try to keep the flow going, if it comes out nice fine, otherwise garbage can it is!

-Thanks Moro. What I like about horses is that they are elegant while at the same time strong and practical.

-Moltes gracies Sotoca. Salutacions.

-Thanks a lot Saskia. They are in fact supposed to be two spanish characters around the time of the civil war, so that's not too far away timewise from Bonnie and Clyde anyhow.

-Thanks for the comment Chris.

-Mercy Edouard, always happy to have a comment from you

jeremy melton said...

GREAT draftsmanship. Excellent work as always.

Shuku said...

*laughs and laughs and laughs* Oh Marcos, the two people not knowing what to do with the gun is PRICELESS, as is your commentary. I can imagine this going on:

"...I'm quite sure that's not a toy."
"It has to be, I picked it up out of the hay rack and Costanza's three brats were out there playing the other day..."
"Where on earth do you find such heavy plastic toys? It's real I tell you!"
"Look the only way to tell would be to fire it and I don't see any maker's marks or..."
"What do YOU know about guns anyway Eduardo?!"
"...They're loud, noisy, and I don't like them and I've never seen a real one before but I'm sure this isn't one?"

The two men in armour - ALATRISTE! Beautiful, the expressions and the suggestion of costume detail!

As for the horse, I happy-sigh over such a magnificently lovely creature. Your lines! So loose and so full of meaning. Happy sigh! The girl's clearly very fond of her mount too, look at her smiling...

Election OVER thank heavens

flaviano said...

the man with a gun remind me of Toth pose!

Ernest Agulló said...

què bons aquets esbosso...el non finito sempre ens dona un "no sé què " que l'art final mai ens podrà oferir, oi que sí? per fer un bon sketch s'ha de saber dir: "prou", no ho toco més.....

Lovelace said...

Gorgeous drawings, all of them! Beautiful work! (Yeah!)

peter maynez said...

great sketches man! i really dig the people and a gun.

Wayne Porter said...

the horse sketch is fantastic!

Gracia said...

Hoola! Me encanta la del caballo (como de pequeña queria tener uno... jajaja) muy buenos sketches! Los de la pistola molan (casi rima). cool! Besos :)

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

Wow! Great work my friend. Always loved your loose drawings.
And I have to say the red dress is very cute ;)
Take care Marrrrcos!

Miguel Martín said...

Que trazos, ni uno más ni uno menos... me encantan, en especial la chica del caballo.
Gracias y hasta es siguiente!

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Jeremy!

-Shuku, as perceptive as usual! The guys with the gun, I just hope they don't have an accident.
Have you seen The film version of 'Alatriste' by the way? Gee, you are up to date with everything. I found the rhythm of it slow and the bits of the story seemed disconnected to me, but visually looked stunning. great art direction job!
As far as the girl and the horse you are right, she is very fond of her pal.

-Flaviano! you are right, I just realized that.
Thanks for the comment!

-Ernest, tens rao. El Jesus Blasco me va dir una vegada que per fer un art molt detallat i molt acabat, be, que per aixo ja teniem la fotografia.
Salutacions i sempre content dels teus comentaris.

-Lovelace, thanks a bunch

-Peter! thanks a lot. It's a fairly old drawing but I still like it.

-Thanks Wayne

-Gracia! encantado de tu visita

-Hey Ale, everything Ok? Thanks for the comment!

-Gracias Miguel, como decia antes son dibujos que tienen ya su tiempo pero aun me siguen gustando!
Un saludo.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful drawings, alive with energy and very lyrical.

Celeste said...

I could watch that horse taking a break for a while. Great to discover your blog.

Celeste said...

Wow, thanks for coming over to my blog thingie. Butch Cassidy... Sigh, beginner's blues strikes, and the lesson of the day is - bland character design causes viewer confusion.

So, heres my intended outcome. When the super computer alerts Butch and his Sundance Kids to the president's plight, they swoop in on waterskis to rescue the commander in chief. After thrilling hi jinks and harrowing chases, Butch foils the Evil Genie and his Tiki Henchman, trussing the Villainous Duo to a coconut tree. Naturally, Butch and the gang have a luau, and the president untucks his shirt tails so he can limbo down with his teen-pop-star/secret-agent rescuers.

Sorry to keep you in such horrible suspense. It IS incredibly worrisome when the leader of the free world has been snatched away in a butterfly net...

Tirso Cons said...

Increible la simpificación de ese caballo.

Eres un crack amigo!

un abrazo


Mr.Plot said...

This stuff i really heavy for your brain i hope make things with this good taste one day..thanks to teach us

Random Guy said...

Un trabajo magnífico, Marcos, genial, como siempre.
He trabajado en el mundo de la animación y tuve la suerte de hacerlo sobre algunos de tus diseños en películas como "Toto sapore" o "Los Reyes Magos", y no sólo he podido admirar tu talento, si no también aprender mucho gracias a esos trabajos.
Soy un admirador tuyo desde hace mucho, y quería escribirte algo en tu blog desde hace tiempo.

Un saludo y sigue así.

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

Yeah, all good here my friend. I'll write you soon, promise ;)
Take care Marcos!

Pc man said...

Hola Marcos, qué trabajos más buenos tio, especialmente ese pedazo de caballo!!
Esa sutilidad de línea y seguridad...
Qué digo, todo está estupendo!!

El año pasado, en Septiembre conocí én el edificio Molinare, a ún montador, no me acuerdo de su nombre, és joven, y me comentó que tenia una amiga y que era íntima amiga tuya,
vamos que salió el tema así de pronto...

Un abrazo tio!!

Unknown said...

Ellos no saben lo que hacer con un arma, pero tu si sabes lo que hacer con un lapiz!
que buenos.

Seguí said...

Tens la ma trencada, cabró! Donaria el que fós per dibuixar un cavall com aquest que sembles haver fet amb els ulls tancats!
De vegades m'atur a mirar d'aprop detalls dels teus esbossos i em meravella com aconsegueixes que amb quatre ratlles semblin calcats de la realitat: les línies dels peus dels dos personatges de la pistola, el breu apunt d'ombra de la sola amb el terra, el taló de la dona...
Salut des de ses illes.

Mauro Vargas said...

Marcos: usted es un maestro!
Ahora que vuelvo paso a saludar por mis blogs favoritos.

Sus trazos y claroscuros me dan ganas de dibujar!

Saludos, Mauro.

Edouard Chevais-Deighton said...

Love the woman on the horse...
Love the warriors...
Love the cow boy who seems to ask himaself what he's doing with a gun in his hand...
Love them all...
What else ? ;)

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks John!
I'm jealous to see you seem to spend time surrounded by horses in AZ, beautiful and admired animals indeed.
Best regards

-Thanks Celeste, and thanks as well for sorting out the mystery to me!

-Muchas gracias Tirso, encantado de tu visita!

-Gracias por la visita y el comentario 'Plot', espero que todo vaya bien por Madrid estos dias!

-Muchas gracias Raul. Estiy contento tambien de saber que hemos colaborado en algunos proyectos... y veo en yu blog que tienes los tuyos propios en marcha! Muchisima suerte con ellos y hasta pronto.

-Hey Aleina, it'll be good to have news!
'talk later

-Paco! encantado de tu visita. Tus trabajos con la fuerza de siempre por lo que vi el otro dia.
Pues ahora estoy intrigado sobre quien seran estos amigos de que me hablas... son de Mallorca? les conocistes en Madrid?
Un abrazo

-Gracias Guillermo! que tal tus gargolas? vas avanzando en el proyecto?

-Bon dia Tomeu, i moltes gracies!!
Ja vaig seguint el teu blog a veure com va el teu projecte que pareix que falta poc perque surti al carrer. Sa veritat es que te una pintarra... ja se sap quina sera la portada al final?
Enhorabona i salutacions desde el poble del Pare Serra!

-Muchas gracias Mauro!

-Mercy Edouard! Always a pleasure to have you around.

the doodlers said...

Such fluid sketches! We dropped in for a very quick visit. You never dissappoint. :) Cheers, Marcos!

Craig Mackay said...

Beautiful images all over the place, but the horse is fantastic! Wow!

Jörn said...

Man thats hot. Drawing horses is the supreme discipline. (3 things an artist should avoid: horse for the little sister, portrait from the girlfriend and bicycles - you will always loose!)

MikeS said...

Beautiful lines! I too love the horse sketch.