Friday, December 19, 2008

More Asterix (© M6 & A-Film) ...and "The Prince of Egypt" 10th Anniversary.

It is going back down memory lane with yet another 'Asterix' post.
And talking memories, yesterday it was the 10th anniversary of the release of 'Prince of Egypt'.
So many things coincided in time for me back then, just arrived in the U.S., getting started with a big, big, brand new Company, an amazing, larger than life, project... it was an epic movie created by an epic collaborative effort. An opportunity to learn from so many passionate and talented people.

Anyway, these two designs today correspond to the end of a 'chase on ice', and a shot from the very beginning of the movie, with vikings attacking a fishing village that has just been abandoned by its terrified inhabitants.


Joe Karg said...

These are amazing Marcos. Every time I think I've got something figured out, I see things like this and realize I know nothing :)


craig said...

love the shadow in the doorway. great movement in the second piece

Edouard Chevais-Deighton said...

Looking forward to watch it when it'll be on TV. Asterix may not be known in US as much as france but it's good to see that someone like you work on the cartoon ! Merry Christmas and happy New Year !

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Joe
-Thanks Craig
-Thanks Edouard.
You know? I was just recently asking some people 'in the industry' about Asterix. Nobody ever heard of him, I was certainly surprised. Anyhow this is a very nice movie and I would recommend you take a look at it if you haven't yet!
Best regards and Merry Christmas to all.

Seguí said...

Collons, Marcos... semble que puguis pintar amb els ulls tancats!!! Ja m'agardaria a mi dibuixar amb aquesta facilitat!!!
Quan sigui gran vull ser com tú.
Una aferrada i bon nadal!

A. Riabovitchev said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Marcos!:o)

Marcelo Vignali said...

Looking at your amazing work is both inspiring and humbling. The only thing that dwarfs your talent is --you. You're an amazing friend. (OK, maybe that headlock technique you have comes in a close second.)

Feliz Navidad Marcos, let's squeeze in a sketchclub session before the year is out.

Armand Serrano said...

Very bold and strong artworks. Beautiful. Have a fantastic Christmas to you and all the best this coming new year.

patrick mate said...

Marcos you are just the best .

Marcos Mateu said...

-Gracies Tomeu! Bon Nadal i Any Nou per a tu i la teva familia i com sempre, vaig seguint el teu blog amb molt d'interes i admiracio!

-Same to you Andrei, thanks!

-Thanks Moe!
and thanks for the idea of the sketchclub we already did the other day! it was great to go at it again.

-Thanks Armand, same back to you and all the best as you and your caring family so much deserve.

-Merci Patrick. (I don't know how much I pay you but it's not enough! :)). See you very soon.