That time of the year again!. Good old Irvine here we come.
The Renaissance Faire once more in all its cool craziness, heat, fun, noise and dust. As my fiancee Alfie was saying, by the time we were leaving we were 'one with the ground, the only difference was that we were not being stepped on'.
Couldn't be more right!
Maravillosos! Mayor expresividad con menos líneas es casi imposible, ¡Bravo Marcos!
Por aquí en España son muy comunes las ferias medievales, pero nunca he visto una estilo renacentista. Tiene que ser chulísima.
Un abrazo!
PD.Y sí, tienes que darle una oportunidad a "Laura" que es un peliculón como casi todas las de O.Preminger... ;)
Brutal Marcos! Només saps fer les coses de PM eh ;) quina enveja. Per Mallorca tot va més lent, i els meus dibuixos també me les he de meditar més, a veure si agaf pràctica.
Mallorca miss u ;)
I am continually amazed by your facility with a marker which is trumped only by your sense of design and story-telling!
Qué caballos más bien construidos haces y qué bien escogidos los tonos, y las lineas. Todo, vaya.
These are great! I went to a Renaissance Faire recently too. They're amazing! Did you do these with a marker and then color them when you got home digitally? Very cool marks!
D: all of your latest posts are amazing Marcos! thanks for consistently bringing inspiration to us all!
Seria genial veure algo teu publicat.
Espectaculars esbosos, com diu en Canales: "Mayor expresividad con menos líneas es imposible!
Lo de ses fotos, encara que te paregui mentida, en aquets temps que corren de cameres digitals i tal jajaja, no la vaig dur.
Quin mal dia per acabar es Salo del Còmic amb la perdua de uns dels grans!
¡Hermosos apuntes! Los caballos aparecen realmente vigorosos.
Un saludo cordial.
These are very cool! No wonder you don't carry a camera. Paper and marker are all you need.
so lovely, you really inspire me
-Muchas gracias Juan!
La verdad es que 'nuestra' feria se llama renacentista pero hay de todo, renacimiento, justas medievales, mucho fantasioso/a...
Por lo de 'Laura', me pongo un dia de estos en serio!
Un saludo
-Moltes gracies per la visita Victor!
-Thanks a lot Lincoln. One thing I'll say is working on graphic novels means you definitely have to (better or worse) pay attention to everything. It is challenge and reward all in one!
-Muchisimas gracias Guillermo! un saludo
-Thanks Kendra! Yes they are marker on paper ad then photoshop color... the practical way to go! :)
-Thanks a lot for your visit and comment Jason!
-Gracies Fernando, ido ja veus, aquest estiu sortira un llibre meu (per primera vegada en molts anys). Hi he posat moltes ganes, il.lusio i feina.
...Per lo del salo ja m'imagin lo que ho degueres disfrutar, i tambe tens rao que lo de s'altre dia va ser tota una noticia
-Muchas gracias Rotebor, y un saludo de vuelta!
-Merci Noelle! these are definitely a great opportunity for the good all markers to see the light of day again :)
-Thanks George, I'll say I'm a fan of your art as well!
Gosh Marcos, these are amazing. You could cut those up and make a comic book page with what you have.
Great sketches Marcos! Wish i could have taken a trip out there.
Any comic book you do with any of these sketches, Marcos, I'll be one of the first in line for it. I remember the last Renaissance Faire you sketched too! This is -lovely-. Again with the marker magic. :) *happy sigh*
Beautiful sketches Marcos!:o)
your marksmanship makes me wanna cry, Marcos
-Hey Marcelo! there is an idea! :) thanks for your comment and I'll see you soon
-Hi Justin, it was really worth it (I actually mentioned Irvine in the post, when it was in fact in Irwindale.. close enough I guess, the spelling I mean). Thanks again for your visit
-Hey Shuku! thanks for dropping by and leaving one of your always sparkling comments!
-Thanks Andrei
-Don't Tuna, don't! :) thanks for your visit and comment, I'll email you soon
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