Tuesday, March 11, 2014

'Framed Ink' currently being reprinted

Hi everyone, for those of you interested to know, 'Framed Ink' is currently being reprinted so it will soon be up and running in Amazon and everywhere else. Thanks!


Unknown said...

Hola Marcos, Tu libro es genial ahora mismo lo estoy recomendando en mi pagina web DibujarBien.com. Sin ti no será posible esta página.

Gracias por todo lo que me enseñaste. Suerte, saludos y mucho éxitos allá por Los USA.

Marcos Mateu said...

Saludos Marcos, y gracias por el comentario.

Demetrio Babul Rojas said...

Felicitaciones!! Tengo tu libro desde hace unos meses, es buenisimo!


Marcos Mateu said...

Muchas gracias Demetrio!

Boris Andreev said...

Hey Marcos,

That's good to know, because I had finally ordered your book on Amazon recently. Then, I had been waiting for a few weeks and they sent me an email saying that they had canceled the order, because were unable to find this book for me.

Please, let me know when your great book is out, I'll place the order again.

Thank you!
Hope everything is well in your life,

Marcos Mateu said...

Hey Boris, thanks for your comment and interest. I just heard from my publisher, sounds like it will be available somewhere between 30 - 45 days from now aproximately, so it will soon be out there again!

Antonio Colon said...

Hello Marcos,

My name is Antonio and I have read Framed Ink a few times over and I absolutely love your work. I recommend it as a reading to all my art friends regardless of their specific field because your book offers deep insight on what makes good composition and work.

Keep up with the great work and I hope to see more books published by you in the future! I'm very happy to hear the book is having a reprint. (I might buy one since mine is getting a little worn on the edges from keeping it with me in my backpack.)

Do you sell signed copies?

~ Antonio, 23 Maryland

Also, might you have tips on how to get into creative based industries? The economy is hard and I just graduated and live on the east coast, so I'm trying but learning tips from a professional I admire would be a godsend.

I hope all is well!

Luis Guaragna said...

He comprado el libro y REALMENTE es una MARAVILLA. Superlativo. Me pregunto (y espero) si en el caso que tenga una buena venta estas pensando en una continuacion o una profundizacion de una obra que es de enorme utilidad. En tanto muchisimas gracias por un libro tan bello. Abrazo!

Marcos Mateu said...

-Hi Antonio, thanks for your comment!as per one of your questions I'm already working on a third book. I do not sell signed copies as it is too complicated for me, although I believe Stuart Ng (http://stuartngbooks.com/) might still have some signed, why don't you ask him?
Can you email me your email address? I would try to give you some feedback on your last question.

-Muchas gracias Luis! respecto a ampliar 'Framed Ink' siempre cabe la posibilidad. De todos modos si el libro tiene la extension que tiene es porque mi intencion es dar consejos sobre 'como pescar' mas que 'dar el pescado ya cocinado'. Dejar espacios para que el lector pueda crear sus propias soluciones es parte de la intencion. De todos modos como digo siempre esta la puerta abierta.
Un abrazo.

silviagguzman said...

Hola Marcos,
Felicidades por tu obra, es impresionante.
Una pregunta: ¿se puede conseguir tu libro Framed Ink en español?
Saludos y gracias!

Marcos Mateu said...

Hola Silvia, gracias por el comentario. Framed Ink solo se ha publicado en ingles y, al menos de momento, no hay proyecto de sacarlo en otros idiomas.
Un saludo y Feliz 2015.