Thursday, March 22, 2007


Alright so, according to planned, Monday I'll be posting the last two.
See you guys soon.

-"De modo que por lo que veo consiguio conservarla..."

-"Le dire una cosa, 'Hombre - Misterio...'"


Shuku said...

...Wow. That's all I have to say. Wow. The freeway and the cityscape --WOW. It's breathtakingly beautiful. And it's mostly lines and shadow too - thick shadow, even, and it just makes everything stand out so good!

Mystery man huh? Lemme guess! This is the guy who gave her the cube before the punk with the baseball cap tried to steal it from her?

I don't want it to end, it's such a great story!



great story telling Marcos! great pieces of work! love the panels below too!

Harald said...

Marcos, I am amazed !
Somehow you always manage to bring out the beauty in LA.
Good Eye.

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Shuku! About the identity of Mistery man...Mistery man is...AaAghH! I can't breathe! AaaAhGg, etc...

-Thanks Roland, always appreciating your visits!

-Harald, thank you very much! That's what I enjoy, choosing what I believe are cool angles and interesting moments...I figure if I have fun, others might too! let's hope for the best.

Anonymous said...

oh oh!! vaja 3 vinyetes ! ...especialment sa 3ª, simplement brrrutal!!!

saludos! :D

Àlex López said...

Están increibles esas páginas!

No conocía tu trabajo y está genial. Gracias por pasarte por mi blog.

Un saludo!

Carles de Miguel said...

Bon dia Marcos!
Interessants aquests apunts que vas penjant .Vigorós traç i gest nerviós.Va bé desenrovellar la mà de tant en tant.Ja porto uns quants anys sense fer-ho i em vénen ganes.
No sé si són de mitg minut o si el temps te´l poses tú.Has probat fer-los a color 2/3 tons màxim, defugint una mica de les cretes i el floomaster?Uf, hi ha un munt de tècniques quan mires la feina d´altris.

jesse said...

Hey thanks Marcos!
Love your work. your sense of color and design is awesome..
Keep it up!

Armand Serrano said...

The first shot is reminiscent of my everyday commute. Fantastic pieces, my friend. Cinematic.

A. Riabovitchev said...

You are ANAZING Marcos!:oD

A. Riabovitchev said...

Amazing of course.

Marcos Mateu said...

-Carlos, sempre bo rebre noticies teves! Com va tot per Palma?

-Muchas gracias Alex!

-Carles de Miguel, gracies per la visita! les poses son d'uns 4 minuts pot ser? no recordo exactament...per lo de les diferentes tecniques, ja tens rao que es poden fer coses molt interessants, la cosa esta en que aquestes tipus carbo o sanguina se me fan una mica imprecises per el meu estil, lo que m'agrada del rotulador es que te una capacitat de definicio i control molt gran.

-Jesse! thanks a bunch.

-Armand? well, the name sure sounds familiar but...eee...Aw yeah, we just had lunch together!

-Andrei, ah no, you said anazing, you said anazing... don't go back on it now.
(thanks man)

Shelly Wan said...

Gorgeous and funny! ^0^, this has got to be a series! More more stories...?

JeN said...

oohh. these are nice Marcos! really great design sense. love the colors.

Sedyas said...

Joderrr Marcos, esto está muy bien. Me encanta como solucionas esos fondos con manchas de colores planos.

Marcos Mateu said...

-Thanks Shelly. more stories? maybe...!

-Jen, thank you very much!

-Sedyas, muchas gracias por la visita y tu comentario!